posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 06:16 AM
Originally posted by Yossarian
This is awful. Just show how dangerous these shows are. I wonder what kind of safety conditions need to be in place if any.
What a horrible thing to happen! These fire-eaters have no certification or safety standards that I know of.
Here is a tale that didn't end tragically:
I have a friend who owns a cafe and one day a 'performer' was to come in and to the usual carnival style show. After contorting himself into a small
box, using a whip to break flowers held by children, and breaking cinderblocks on his chest the performer prepared for his finale.
Each subsequent performance made my friend ever more concerned; first because the performer probably had no insurance in the event that he hurt a
child and second because he was making a mess all over the stage with the cinderblocks.
It doesn't take long at all for a performer to pull out a bottle of flammable liquid, take a swig, and strike a lighter so the first fire-ball could
not be helped. To get the image right picture a 3-foot long fireball
inside a building with
sprinklers 10 feet above the performers
head. My friend literally ran across his cafe to the stage and grabbed the bottle from the performer's hand while yelling, "Get the f**k out!"
I don't think I have ever seen him so angry but we learned a valuable lesson that day. Carnival show performers are out to make money even if they
must screw everyone else in the process. They have no certification, insurance, or responsibility.
[edit on 8.3.2006 by Voxel]