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Dead Like Me

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posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:37 PM

My daughter and I saw the cute promos for this. We had it marked on the
calendar. It looked like a cute preteen/young teen girl show like Sabrina
the Teenage Witch kind of thing. Supernatural, fun, cute, girlish. So we
tuned in.

The opening was cute .. all the 'Grim Reapers' checking in at the clock for
work... parking their cars ... etc etc.

Then the actress' opened their filthy mouths and started talking. Was that
Jasmine Guy in the opening shot who complained that her chocolate candies
tasted like a certain dirty part of the human body (a$$)? And then came the
cuss words and more crass language.

What the heck happened? This show had such potential - along the lines of
Sabrina the Teenage Witch. All we got was very crass language and cussing.

MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT! Anyone else catch it??

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:45 PM
Uh, it was a showtime dark comedy. It was never intended for children.

Its like tuning into a commercial about sex and the city on tbs and expecting something light hearted and cutesy. e.e

Its a great show, excellent righting, witty, funny, and serious at the same time. Well ahead of its time, just a shame it got cancelled.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar

Its a great show, excellent righting, witty, funny, and serious at the same time. Well ahead of its time, just a shame it got cancelled.

One of my favorites. It really eerked me when it was cancelled, especially leaving the audience hanging. The least they couold have done was make ONE show to end it.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by pstiffy

Originally posted by WolfofWar

Its a great show, excellent righting, witty, funny, and serious at the same time. Well ahead of its time, just a shame it got cancelled.

One of my favorites. It really eerked me when it was cancelled, especially leaving the audience hanging. The least they couold have done was make ONE show to end it.

What I was thankful for was they KNEW they were gonna get canceled, so the last episode added some closure.

I mean they had her grown, finally losing her dependency on her old family, and kindof growing into herself, which atleast gave it a pseudoending.

Maybe sci-fi will pick it up? they did with stargate

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar

What I was thankful for was they KNEW they were gonna get canceled, so the last episode added some closure.
I mean they had her grown, finally losing her dependency on her old family, and kindof growing into herself, which atleast gave it a pseudoending.

True :Up: But I really wanted to know about Rube. He was different than the others, but how? LOL, doesn't matter now, but I always wondered

Maybe sci-fi will pick it up? they did with stargate

Ill keep my fingers crossed. I also heard that they (whoever owns the rights) was considering creating a movie, to end the story, but that was a while ago, and have to heard since.

Great shows like this only last 2 years, while outter crap thrives.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 03:14 PM
All the great shows are killed. Especially by fox.

John Doe


Dark Angel

Tru Calling

All killed for the sake of a new season of House and the O.C.

But if theres two shows I really want to see sci-fi to pick up, its Dead like Me and Firefly.

Granted, Dead like me censored would be wierd but...I could live with it.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 08:06 PM
I just watched the whole series because Showcase aired them every night for a while.
It's a great show that I was sorry to hear was cancelled.

The swearing didn't bother me, but I don't think I'd let kids watch it, and I'm sure it was never intended for a younger audience. Late night on Showcase can get downright dirty at times and the kids should be in bed by then anyway.

You couldn't ask for a better cast of odd balls.

Let's all hope it comes back, or they at least do a wrap-up movie.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
It was never intended for children.

Ahhhhhhhhhh ... I thought it was supposed to be a preteen/teen girl thing.
My daughter and I saw the previews for it and thought it would be great
along the lines of Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

Guess that explains things. It looked sooooooooooooo cute! I thought it
was a new show. I didn't realize it was around for a while and it was
cancelled already.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 09:35 AM
Man, I loved that show!!!


posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by pstiffy

Originally posted by WolfofWar

Its a great show, excellent righting, witty, funny, and serious at the same time. Well ahead of its time, just a shame it got cancelled.

One of my favorites. It really eerked me when it was cancelled, especially leaving the audience hanging. The least they couold have done was make ONE show to end it.

Don't know if you know but reruns are available as we speak on SciFi Channel. Well, I don't know if I'd call a show about dead people walking around suitable for teens, or ones about witches either, for that matter. I do love Dead like Me. It is dry, philosophical, and funny by turns, and that is something you can't say for many shows. Love the British addict character, he is funny without its being intentional as the character, and sad, too.

It was showing on HBO in my area, and most things there are not teen material to my mind. Course, I could say the same for the things on ABCFamily Channel. Anyone get a glance at Falcon Beach, for instance?

My 12 year old granddaughter and I watch Kyle XY there now, and the commercials are sickening for Falcon Beach.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:37 AM
Kyle XY?!

What's that about then?!

Care to share?!

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 12:25 PM
i *LOVED* the first season of Dead Like Me.

Sure, it was showtime's answer to Six Feet Under, but it had a nice twist.
When the 2nd season started - and the original writer had left - and they decided to throw out all the little "rules" they had established (like how the reapers look to non-reapers) it lost me. i don't know, it just seemed to not have the same charm it started with.

ah well, it was great while it lasted.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 07:18 AM
What do ya mean "throw out all the little rules"????

They havent aired the 2nd series over here...

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Orla
What do ya mean "throw out all the little rules"????

They havent aired the 2nd series over here...

The best example is in the 2nd season, suddenly everyone's reflection is what they actually look like - not like in the first season where their reflections showed a different person to the outside world.

Also to note - the head writer left the show mid-way through the first season, and imo it really shows in the 2nd.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 11:11 AM
So does that mean, that in the second series, everyone who is alive, can see the 'real' reapers?

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