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New video of Bigfoot in Australia

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posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 08:16 PM
Well, it does deserve to be argued, because that's what this website is for right? here is a clip of bigfoot that was talked about for weeks. Cliche, yes it blurs out at the end but you see it twice, once moving left, then it walking back into the woods to the right. It was a good clip from what you could see.

It is a QuickTime Movie.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Evil_minds]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Evil_minds
Well, it does deserve to be argued, because that's what this website is for right?

I will stick to my original opinion and say that was not even in the realm of a hoax, just kids with a video.

The second video whilst i believe is clearly a hoax is at least worth discussing, as it doesn't involve a mask of a popular charaacter of an extremely large movie franchise.

I guess also as an Australian, I was quite critical of the claims it was an aboriginal.

I guess the one good thing about this, it has given a few people including myself a good laugh..........

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 01:15 PM
I wouldn't even rate it as "Kids with a video". But hey, to the poster, good find, but it was debunked before it even made it to ATS. I still laugh everytime I watch it, it's just so hilarious. I keep hoping that I'll see a part two, which consist of them chasing it to the "Millenium Falcon" or something, as I said before, Not all of our Star Wars dreams can come true.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 02:59 PM
Guess what tkmelb? If you click on the link below you will see who filmed this encounter.

Not really a kid now is he?

You say it's not personal but then you keep hammering away. Maybe do a little investigating next time.

This guy is responsible for another story where he claims a formation of UFO's reacted when he pointed a laser at them.

go to post #5 of link

This guy needs to be exposed and where better than ATS!

Thanks for the support Essedarius! Much appreciated!

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Uhhh yea, well isn't it co-incedintal, that one of his projects was (and I quote)

"Star Wars (early conceptuals & last droid designs) " and that the 'Yowie' in his movie JUST so happens to look like a wookie? And His UFO vs. Laser, it appears he has done work for Battlestar Galatica and Starship Troopers. He is available to costumes. So please as we stated, it's a hoax, maybe not a kid behind that camera, but a hoax, and a funny one at that.

[edit on 4-8-2006 by Evil_minds]

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 03:35 PM
[edit on 4-8-2006 by Evil_minds]

[edit on 4-8-2006 by Evil_minds]

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 08:30 PM
If this video is real which I doubt, bigfoot is showing the most Intelligence I have ever seen associated with a primate type of species.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
Guess what tkmelb? If you click on the link below you will see who filmed this encounter.

Not really a kid now is he?

You say it's not personal but then you keep hammering away. Maybe do a little investigating next time.

So you are saying that if you had investigated it first you would have seen this guy does stuff like this for a living?

I wasn't responding to you in my last post so no it wasn't personal. This site is meant for discussion. You put up a link that was incredibly hookey, and obviously not real and even tried to explain it off as an Aboriginal in "tribal headware" and don't expect anyone to call you out on it?

I won't get into this with you anymore as i can see where this is going, only to add a big thank you for posting this as it has given many of my friends and family a laugh.

Maybe we need a forum on the worst hoaxes out there? In all seriousness that would be amusing and might stop people from taking things so seriously and personally.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 10:17 PM

No need to get personal, but that was incredibly bad and just because some kids put up a vid on youtube doesn't mean that it has to shown here. If was even a little bit realistic then yeah definately. but come on..........

how do you define a mythical creature as realistic?

just wondering.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

No need to get personal, but that was incredibly bad and just because some kids put up a vid on youtube doesn't mean that it has to shown here. If was even a little bit realistic then yeah definately. but come on..........

how do you define a mythical creature as realistic?

just wondering.

One that isn't obviously a movie character mask

Also I was refering to the entire vid as unrealistic, ie the acting, the set up etc

[edit on 4/8/06 by tkmelb]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by tkmelb
This site is meant for discussion. You put up a link that was incredibly hookey, and obviously not real..

I'm looking at the three threads atop the "New Post" list on ATS as of this moment. They have to do with:

1) Achieving super strength.

2) Vampires.

and, of course

3) Alien structures on the moon that harvest human souls.

Now read your quote again.

Do you see what I'm getting at here?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Essedarius

1) Achieving super strength.

2) Vampires.

and, of course

3) Alien structures on the moon that harvest human souls.

Now read your quote again.

Do you see what I'm getting at here?

I see what you are saying but I cannot and will not totally discount the claims of John Lear (moon).

The vampire stuff if funny but, at least he didn't provide a clip from the Lost Boys to support it.

They say in times of extreme stress the body can do amazing things, however the story mentioned does seem well...........

My main thing was it was obviouly a hoax and a bad one at that. I have little doubt that there are creatures like bigfoot and yeti etc and i can't wait to see something that could even be close to being real, this my friends was not.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by tkmelb
I cannot and will not totally discount the claims of John Lear (moon).

My immediate reaction upon reading this was to taunt you until my fingers were sore.

My personal opinion is that the Soul Harvesting stories are the most hilariously absurd load of tripe I have ever heard. I love reading that thread and I'm dumbfounded that people lend weight to claims that fly in the face of all established empirical knowledge.

The claims made by John Lear make the bigfoot in this video look like the most significant zoological discovery in the history of mankind!


You have every right to believe that those claims are possibly true, and Mr. Lear has every right to discuss his theories here. And, if I feel like I have something to add, I will chime in and attempt to take part of the conversation.

The problem I have with your participation on this thread is that you didn't join in to attack the movie...which would have been perfectly acceptable (everyone, including the creator of the thread, did) joined the thread and condescendingly attacked jbondo for posting the movie, and...well...who does that help?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius

The problem I have with your participation on this thread is that you didn't join in to attack the movie...which would have been perfectly acceptable (everyone, including the creator of the thread, did) joined the thread and condescendingly attacked jbondo for posting the movie, and...well...who does that help?

I am so sorry that YOU have a problem with my participation in this thread. As it is you that is keeping this thread alive, I will keep this short.

1.When you gain as much respect as John Lear then I will consider your theories.
2. The video was beyond pathetic.
3. I didn't attack anyone, just questioned why THIS ONE needed to be posted.
4. When you pay for the bandwidth of this site, then i will be concerned what problems you have with me posting in any threads.
5. I am not going to respond to anything further in this thread as it will only turn into a flame fest. If anyone wants to continue this I am more than happy to via u2u.
6.This thread certainly doesn't doesn't deserve the hits it is getting..

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 09:33 PM
No, it can't be fake. He got his hair cut at the same place I did.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 11:23 AM
i have seen this you tube clip before im not to sure if its real or not but i live in australia and have had a few incounters with the smaller yowies (junjadee) and that would have to be the best and closest vid i have seen so far to the real thing . most of the people i talk to about junjadee have there own storys iv even heard of army personal on exersise been pelted with large stones so much so thay had to pull out of that location

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