What Is Next For Israel?
More of the same i suspect. We only need to study the entire history of the region to see the pattern.
And how will the pattern be broken?
Well peoples current decisions seem to lead us exactly where we have been.
I know enough about the human mind and microbiology, and have witnessed how our own body produces neuroproteins which actually change the genetic code
of the nuclei within cells.
And we are after all, the accumilation of those cells.
So, if you accept what your eyes tell you, and you can watch the genetic code of those cells change when the cells receptors recieve the neuroproteins
that are the chemical messages of hatred and anger, the cells become addicted to the very drug our hypothalmus creates.
So let us take a look at how both sides purpetuate the destiny of their own fate.
We have Islamic associated groups who conduct summer classes that teach out of Mosques such important things as both religious ideologies, and
paramilitary training for children as young as 5, or younger, being taught how to kill Jews, and why it is the will of the most powerfull entity
Meanwhile we have Daniel, an 8 year old girl in Israel signing a nice message on a bomb that will be going to Lebanon.
After this many thousands of years, and generations after generations, and war after war, at some point the "Holy Land" will eventually have enough
My point?
There is no future without escape from the past.
Well, that is not entirely true. There is a future, with alot more of what has transpired.
Ask any child on any side between the ages of 8 and 15, and I'm sure you will see an already accepted as fact hatred of the other side.
And how does the brain work?
The "Law of Association".
So, if in their young minds the hate they are taught is justified by GOD, and this is accepted as a fact, then every other accepted as true fact after
the hatred truth must be able to attach to the truth of hatred, or else it simply cannot be the truth for them.
Blind Hatred.
Hatred so intense, and so blind, the guardians of the hatred don't even consciously know the only way their hatred is justified is by their fears.
Thier fear of loosing that which they love is their only justifiable reason for their hate, not that they know it.
Hate can not co-exist without fear.
What is next for Israel?
Without otherworldly intervention, a lot more of the same.