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Upcoming Seasons..

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posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 03:55 PM
With some temperatures abnormally soaring through the roof, any predictions for this upcoming winter? With all this speculation about global warming and pole shifts, could this winter really be a slap in the face?

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 04:06 PM
cold be. the question is are we in for a bad cold winter or perhapse a nice mild one? i realy hate the cold lol.

i find it interesting that there is new talk aboult the poles shifting. in the 1980's i can recall hearing about a pole shift that was expected to take place 20-30 nyears later, it seems that perhapse it is right on schedual if it is indeed happening.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 08:01 PM
Uhhhmmm, it's summer it's supposed to be hot!

Great quote from Limbaugh today... "We used to call it summer, but now we call it Global Warming"

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:24 AM
Ya it does get hot, last time it got really hot and 17000 people died. use your own words please and not a tv program

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by imbalanced
Ya it does get hot, last time it got really hot and 17000 people died. use your own words please and not a tv program

really really hot? Just how hot is that?

17,000 people died because of the heat? Can you provide a link or something to back that up?

I used a quote and attributed the quote to its author, would you have rathered that I plagerized?

Uhhmmm Rush Limbaugh has a radio show, not a TV program.

Once again, It's summer it is suppose to be hot!

[edit on 2-8-2006 by RRconservative]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 07:27 PM
ive heard that it might get colder, not hotter.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 12:05 AM
Here is the info:

Its also on wikipedia:

Dont know 100% if its man made or just another cycle.
PS: sorry for the lashout, its hot and i am cranky

[edit on 3-8-2006 by imbalanced]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by imbalanced]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 01:11 AM
Actually, in 2003 30,000 people died to heat related deaths in Europe. 2006 is supposed to be the hottest since records have been kept, even hotter than 2003.

The worse problem comes with food supplies having been greatly affected by the extreme heat this summer.

i am not sure if this information is correct, but i saw it and wanted to post it. if anyone can find more info, corroborate it or find proof to debunk it it would be appreciated. i might do some research tomorrow but it is late here.

Anyways, here it is.

Along with Peak Oil, Peak Grain and Peak Water, the world enters crisis overload

A deadly combination of heat and drought is slowly wreaking a trail of devastation across much of the globe, and the full extend of this scourge will only be felt as winter nears.

The current phenomenon took meteorologists by surprise as it was unusually global in its reach. Like Murphy's Law, everything that could go wrong did.

Nourishment for winter burnt up under an unusually fiery weather, along a food chain that progressed from withered wheat crops to cattle that were hastily sold off for lack of grazing grounds.

Crops that survived wilted under the sun, yielding produce of lowered quality and quantity; leading ultimately to higher prices. Alarmingly, these were scorched in the surplus granaries of the United States, Europe and Australia.

In the United States, the first half of 2006 was the warmest since 1895, when weather data was first compiled, and the pollinating and tasseling times have since been set back by triple digit Fahrenheits.

The full heat though will be felt in winter. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, the International Grains Council and a motley array of other agro organizations are downsizing the total grain forecast for this year and nobody knows how bad it will get.

In Ukraine alone, the harvest forecast has been cut down to five million tons from the 21 million registered last year. In Poland and Hungary, some crops are expected to be 40 percent below normal yields, while milk production dropped by 20 percent in Italy.

Lester Brown, President of the Earth Policy Institute, predicts that 20 million tons of global harvest may have winnowed up as summer chaff.

In June, he warned that the global cupboard - or "reserve" - of grains were at its lowest levels since the early 70s. According to this calculation, there's enough basic grain to keep people alive for 57 days, if a combination of disasters strike.

And there is no better place for that to begin than in the Middle East.

In 1973, abysmally low inventories of wheat and an Arab-Israeli war sparked off an oil embargo, runaway global inflation, and upheavals that have scarred societies till today.

The price of wheat shot up six times. According to Brown, if that were to happen today, wheat could fetch $21 a bushel, about six times the current price.

Food prices are likely to rise worldwide, and for a third of the world's population - which subsists on less than $2 a day - a subtle hike in the price of staples would hasten the process of slow starvation.

Not so in the European Union, which, has some 13 million tonnes of "intervention" grain stocks. Just how this works under the current trade regime is left to the imagination. With the recent WTO talks stonewalled over U.S. farm subsidies, think of a trade regime that can technically deprive natives - whether American or Korean - from getting the first dibs of their own food sources.

Limited stocks lead to higher prices which can be afforded by the limited rich, who are usually the fittest in any food fight.

The futures markets for grain are already registering record highs alongside crude oil. One could be forgiven for being ignorant of the Minneapolis Grain Exchange or the broader London futures market till this point.
Statesmen ranging from Kofi Annan to Mikhail Gorbachev have repeatedly warned off future wars waged over the most basic of natural resources - water.
Imagine a world when peak oil meets peak grain and peak water at a confluence called peak mayhem?

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 08:41 AM
I'm not 100% percent sure how to quote something from a website yet, but this is what i found,


If no action is taken the greenhouse effect could lead to a rise in average global temperatures of between 1.5-4.5 degrees Celcius as early as the year 2030. These rises will be greater towards the poles and less at the tropics. There will also be more warming in winter than summer. Such increases will make the world hotter than it has been for more than 100,000 years. The rise will also be faster than ever before; a rise of 3 degrees Celcius after the last ice age took thousands of years. By the end of next century temperatures could have reached those of the time of the dinosaurs and it is doubtful if humans could survive. The effects are already showing - the ten hottest years since the 1860's have been in the last 15 years."

I got that from

i'm not sure if i completely believe what that person is saying, he couldn't even spell Celsius right

This might sound extremely naive but, It got colder in 'The Day after Tomorrow' so i just figured that that same would happen in this case. Although I'm quite sure that all of the effects of global warming happened in a short period of time, for entertainment purposes

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