posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 10:08 AM
Yeah, this happens to me but I haven't thought anything of it, just that I have a look about me that seems to be a common design.
I don't get it as much as I used to but there was a time where I would have quite a conversation with several people at once convinced I was someone
else. It used to happen in pubs and clubs when I was in that scene, it would be the usual hello's, then I would tell them I'm someone else, then the
usual do you have a brother or a twin type questions, do you know this guy blah blah etc etc Luckily, this has never landed me in hot water, i.e. one
of my doppelgangers was never an a**hole, I always waited for the time I would be accosted for someone else's actions or I was put on a trial for a
crime committed by someone else, that's what always prayed on me.
The store thing you mentioned last happened to me 2 months ago, I walked into a store I'd never been to before, actually, it was in a city I'd never
been to before. The guy behind the counter pointed at me and said ahh then proceeded to pull out a box from under the counter, hand it to me and ask
for payment. Naturally, I told him that someone else must have ordered the item and it took some time before he beleived me, he thought I was messing
with him, he was so convinced I was someone else. Production of a drivers licence or passport has, at time, been the only thing that would convince
them, then they'd walk off looking confused.
Paranormal activity as a means of explaining this? Not for me, humans are less than perfect and it is easy to make a mistake. I guess, depending on
what you look like, there are others that look similar. I have photos of my father and at certain times, we look almost identical. I have also met
people that look like me. Not exactly the same but very very similar.
So yeah, happens a lot.