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Why do (most) Americans instinctively back Israel?

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posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
Yes most of whom they helped to create. Self-induced necessity.

self induced like takeing land they WON in a war they did not start but were on the defensive.

They can arrest anyone at will and without question or evidence,

sounds like the patriate act to me.

they can actually assasinate political figures at will

most countries have been guilty of this. just look at the attemts to kill castro

and without evidence or trial, they can in the process of seeking out terrorists kill innocent civilians without question or investigation .

perhaps if people turned in terrorists (i understand that some are unknown but some are and infact considdered heroes), this wouldn't happen as much.

Did it go from giving them free run to hunt down and kill those who caused them to suffer in WWII , to include those they percieve as a threat to their existence wether imagined or true?

kinda like those pesky wmd's that the states attacked iraq for?

How do we allow them to just shoot people with Missiles!!? Knock down peoples houses!? Shoot innocent civilians just because they were in the way!? We never even bother to ask for proof, nor do they offer it. No video surveilance, no recordings of any kind. We just go by their word as though it is gospel! "Oh, he was a terrorist" should not suffice as evidence enough to continue allowing people to die on a daily basis and to be using equipment that we have bought and paid for with our hard work and blood and that people can associate us with.

just like the attack on iraq again.

i don't always agree with what isrial does but i can understand some of the why they do it.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Toadmund
So snaz, what are you doing to bring people into the Christian faith?
Is it not your work, as one of gods sheep to bring more people into the flock?

What are you doing?

Are those Christians doing the devils work?
They must be!

Can't answer for snaz, but to address the faith and spread of the gospel, I consider myself addressed in some Holy War where it is time for action, not speech.
This war was declared against Zionists and their supporters (for which I was attacked). This, also, is a good reason for support of Israel; declaration.

I guess that should be taken into consideration: America was attacked. For its faith and support.

I'm curious: there's so much hostility towards faith of God, but the Satan guy posting drew no interest. Why? I'm curious.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by johnsky
By the way, the Palestinians haven't exactly been on the same land the whole time.

Either way, if you want a history of who has controlled Palestine over it's history, here you go.

[edit on 1-8-2006 by johnsky]

So according to that article...they murdered helpless Caananites (under Joshua) just so they could have a city of their own. Unable to build their own? And that only lasted 800 years (includng wars to keep it to themsleves). Then they owned MAYBE 300 years of it by bickering back and forth with the neighboring states (Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, etc). Then for the last 2000 years, they had NOTHING to do with it.

So "Israel" (or random Jews, either way you see it I guess) own Judea for a grand total of 1200-1400 years. Only one problem. Most of the people their now aren't related to the original Jews who occupied it (it wasn't Israel back then, so that site is kinda biased).

So in our 16.000-20.000 years of civilization, they've 'owned it' (as if you can own land) for maybe 10-15% of the time, it was was TAKEN, not found by them.

That doesn't really seem fair to just hand them the land when people were already living there after WWII (including the Jews who were already there, and probably had more right than the WWII victims to be there).

That's why I have such a hard time defending Israel. I defend people's right to religion (peaceful religion), not made up states assigned by England (that includes Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc).

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by bothered
I guess that should be taken into consideration: America was attacked. For its faith and support.

I thought it was clear that Bin Laden (if that is indeed who orchestrated it) said he did it because of the US insane unfair and stupid Foreign Policy. I guess that's the same as faith?

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Toadmund
So snaz, what are you doing to bring people into the Christian faith?
Is it not your work, as one of gods sheep to bring more people into the flock?

What are you doing?

I can tell you, you are blinded by religion to the point where you are actually driving people away from the faith, not bringing anyone in at all, when you say that you, you and you are going to hell, how are you spreading the word of the lord?

What has driven people like me away from religion? People who spew hate, ignorance and intolerance, that's who, sometimes I find religious people to be THEE dumbest people on earth!

I don't think Jesus, if he is the son of god is appreciating that one bit (dumb ignorant christians). Am I afraid to criticise? NO, you know why? Because if there is a god, in gods infinite wisdom, he/she/it will see that I did not become one of those who drive people away, that I 'see' and that I try to be objective and that I can use my own mind that was given to me, I use my FREE WILL, which apparently was a gift, a gift that not enough people use.
I'd rather not be religious than to make religion a fundamentalistic laughing stock that makes anybody that wishes to worship Christ into blabbering NUT-JOBS.

Again, what are you doing? As of now, and take it from me, and from the people who responded to your posts, you have driven those people away, when people around you criticise your fundamentalistic beliefs.

You are NOT doing gods work! You are spreading the 'BAD' word, not the good word.

So, who you say is the agent of SATAN?

Ask any athiest or agnostic (me) why they became that way, 85% of them were converted to non or reduced belief by Christians.

Are those Christians doing the devils work?
They must be!

I can only say what teh Bible speaks of...if ppl are turned away from it, its coz they have allowed satan the ooportunity to bend them to his will. So basically what you're saying in this post is that if theres a bad side to any of the Christian religion, you dont' wanna have anything to do with it...if its not 100% to your liking you don't wanna hear about it or have anythign to do with it..stupid reason ot burn in Hell forever if you ask me.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Snazuolu

I can only say what teh Bible speaks of...if ppl are turned away from it, its coz they have allowed satan the ooportunity to bend them to his will. So basically what you're saying in this post is that if theres a bad side to any of the Christian religion, you dont' wanna have anything to do with it...if its not 100% to your liking you don't wanna hear about it or have anythign to do with it..stupid reason ot burn in Hell forever if you ask me.

Dude, again. Hellfire and brimstone were Paul's invention. Yeshua was talking about 'personal hell'. If you do bad things in life, you'll live in a personal hell here on earth. Like the saying goes, what goes around comes around. If you read all the gospels (not JSUT the ones in the bible), and disregard the mad man Paul's writings, you'll see a DRASTIC difference in who Jesus was.

After all, what does CHRISTian mean, anyway? It's not Aramaic, nor is it Jewsih. It's Hellinsistic.

You and 1 billion other Paulinists are turning people away from the true message of Yeshua. And it has nothing to do with being a christ (diefied king; like a pharoah, or an emperor of Rome).


As for why Americans instinctively back Israel?

Becuase 99% of the christians out there don't actually read there bible. They listen whole heartedly to their preists' propagnada, and the christian Network's godless rhetoric. And they buy ever piece of sh!t that comes out of these idiot's mouths.

It makes me sick.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 10:17 AM
But what about US media?

I recently spent 2 weeks in Canada and consequently saw a lot of CNN / other US news.

When you're watching it there does seems to be a balance but on our return to Montreal we were able to watch BBC news and realised there was a whole swathe of detail that CNN was not covering. On CNN the detail of Israeli suffering was covered in minute detail but the lebanese plight was only covered in second-hand reports and broad statistics.

I watch ABC World report most nights too and although it's better than CNN it still doesn't provide a truly balanced view

This ongoing bias surely must affect the way Americans approach any story concerning Israel and prevent a rounded, objective view in those who don't read papers or watch anything apart from CNN / Fox

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 10:44 AM

You are perfectly correct. And you have to remember. Reporters and Journalists from America, will only enhance the already biased view that America holds. Not on purpose, but because they were told the same things when they were kids. Other countries' reporters and even normal citizens, generally seem to be much more open minded and less biased towards the backing of Israel.

The reason I think Europe doesn't want to get involved all that much, is just because there's been a steady decline (I can't remember where I read that) in the Christian faith over there. Plus there are a lot of Muslims in Europe now (not a bad thing, but definitly a biased thing).

It's all relative. Looking at one fact from different angles will give you TONS of differences in opinions. And they're all right.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 10:57 AM
I am in the U.S. and I will NEVER back Israel....for they are no different than Iran, Iraq, Syria in my opinion. They are a terrorist state plain and simple.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by yanchek
Why do (most) Americans instinctively back Israel?

Good programming.

Couldn't have said it better.

And especially what is considered "news" in the US. I still don't see much difference between Entertainment Tonight and Faux or CNN

Originally posted by Arcane Demesne

Becuase 99% of the christians out there don't actually read there bible.

I believe this also to be true. And if I hear "it was written" as a reply or response to what some Americans think of the war in Lebanon one more time ...

What is that ? A reason ? A justification ? Please.

[edit on 2-8-2006 by ImJaded]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Arcane Demesne

Originally posted by bothered
I guess that should be taken into consideration: America was attacked. For its faith and support.

I thought it was clear that Bin Laden (if that is indeed who orchestrated it) said he did it because of the US insane unfair and stupid Foreign Policy. I guess that's the same as faith?

I got this from the repeated fact that Jihad is declared on the US.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 06:10 PM
What realy set bin laden over the edge was the first gulf war. He offered his support and afgani veterans of the afghan/soviet war to defend saudi arabia from saddam. But saudi arabia rejected his offer and allowed the u.s to do it instead. This furthered any resentment he already had towards the u.s.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by bothered

Originally posted by Arcane Demesne

Originally posted by bothered
I guess that should be taken into consideration: America was attacked. For its faith and support.

I thought it was clear that Bin Laden (if that is indeed who orchestrated it) said he did it because of the US insane unfair and stupid Foreign Policy. I guess that's the same as faith?

I got this from the repeated fact that Jihad is declared on the US.

So.....America wasn't attacked for it's faith and was attcked because of someone else's faith.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:18 AM
Understandable perspective.
I would like to point out, however, that many believers are warned when they travel abroad because of this Holy War.
I guess someone has to start any conflict. And you respond one way or the other.
The only thing that is significant is we are repeatedly threatened. I would encourage you to go to any web site that reports (unbiased) on these events and attitudes (Al-Jazeera covers Western views and hypocrisis, I believe).

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