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Reptilian Hybrids

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posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:03 PM
OMG - this is the worst Topic ever ..

These Vids show NOTHING .

crapy vids that you drew on to show what ?.

the agony of it all .

show me something real , not blurry fuzzy vids that you can make anything of .

hell looking at the vids and some imagination , I can see all kinds of weird stuff.


posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Destiny Dreamer
Yes it would stand to reason you will get your best results while the world sleeps and all the TV and group vibes telling the world this is not so occurs. It for some reason is strongest the three day window of the full moon. It seems to peak at 2AM and wain down by 4AM for sure as all those TV's come back on. New moon seems to do well for some things but people are into action on the full moon so intense things capture across better. Synchronicity you bring this up. Might even do a control on the same ones you did redoing it on a high full moon window late at night.


Hi DD,
I'm still here and I'm staying up tonight to take some movies of those video's. And good point about moon phases and this is something I've been trying to pay attention to in my research. I'm glad you mentioned it because I will be sure to include that information in tonights ITC session. There's also much to be said about weather conditions and I've definitely noticed improved reception just before or after lightning and thunder storms.
Your comments about more psi events during full moons are correct also. And finally, yes, ideally, best reception comes between 2 AM and 4 AM -- on that one there's no question about it -- reception is much stronger during those hours than anytime during the day which often times can be a hit or miss thing when doing such experiments in daylight hours.
Also, good observation about TV's..... have not thought about that one yet but I'm glad you mentioned it... good point. Talk later!

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Palasheea]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:23 PM
See this is why you shouldnt do drugs .

Why dont you atleast use a Vid capture card, they only cost around 40$ for a cheapie .... But would be a million times better than what your doing.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:28 PM
Also DD,
Good suggestions about doing some control experiments during full moons and so on....
Once again, really appreciate your feedback on all of this and please don't hesitate post anymore of them if you think of anything else to improve those protocol's used in this research endeavor.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:35 PM
has anyone tried the old thing , where u take pics of a tv thats turned off ?.

or take pics looking in the mirror in the dark - something like that.

or use a vid / rec to vid tape a turned off tv ?.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:40 PM
For those of you who may have forgotten, the topic of this thread is Reptilian Hybrids

Let's get back on track....

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:11 PM
I agree , Hilliary Clinton iS A REPTOID / HYbrid

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:20 PM
I only wonder why anyone would assume reptilians would be insane enough to want to reproduce with you primates. Such vain (and ugly) creatures you are.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 06:25 AM
Well I for one really appreciate all of Palashea's efforts.There was one seen of Al Gore changing right while peope were watching on regular TV during one of those he and Bush debates live before the 2000 election. Right after this they decided NO live debates and cancelled the next one of the series. Of course, maybe they projected some hologram over onto him or something.

Palashea on the topic of storms enhancing the seeing them. This is during high negative ions around.Maybe it over rides the positive ion issue of the p.c's and films you see on it. An ionizer helps. Also you live near water so this helps. The reptilian hybrids need pollution, low oxygen, high positive ions. To increase one not building up positive ions the go barefoot, no rubber soled shoes and use mocassins. Ideas for your work.If a reptilian hybrid gets caught on film close up out near pristine nature or misty fog not pollluted you might try these films.Maybe Prince Charles car catch film was near unpolluted misty fog burn off. Wonder if they go swimming away from fluorided and chlorine water if it shows up easier with their rubber soled shoes on.Also could be if you see a film and they keep cutting shots could be that portion had them coming out or changing.

Keep up the detective work.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 03:15 PM
Hi DD,
Please check you PM.

Just wanted to ask you something about Dr. Dan Burisch that's probably off topic of this thread. thanks.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 06:36 PM
Hi DD,
Just touching base with you again. Just found out that no one can PM you until you have a few more messages posted on this board. Thanks once again to the mod that notified me of that.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I had trouble staying awake last night and couldn't take a movie of Dr. Burisch but I did take one this morning and got no results. Nevertheless, I'm planning on making another attempt to stay up again tonight, to take movie between 2 and 4 am. The reason why I'm doing this is because even though the results were negative for that movie I took of Burisch this morning, there still were some subtle changes in it that indicated to me that I should try to take another one -- but this time at the right time at night.
Sorry for the delay on this but do want to try it again to see if anything shows up in a movie of him this time round.
By the way, I've been reading up on Dr. Burisch and also read some of that correspondance between Burisch and Michael Salla. I respect Dr. Salla's views on things and I was very impressed by the basically positive review he did of Hamilton's book on Burisch. I also thought it was interesting that Salla thinks that possiby Burisch could also be receiving disinformation in some areas from his sources.
Just wondering but what are you views on that? -- on what Dr. Salla was saying in his book review?
And my other question is, does Burisch mainly focus only on grays? What about those other beings out there i.e reptilians, nordics etc... What does Burisch say about them?
And what's going to happen in 2012?
Lol, so many questions but hope you can provide some feedback on one or 2 of them.

Dr. Dan Burisch's story is absolutely fascinating!

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Palasheea]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 12:21 AM
I believing Dr. Burisch is treading softly over the reptilian and P45,000faction of Zeta of service-to-self,force,tryanny and control nature as he mentions they have this really reptilian form and skin more as a function of their high intensity of these states they get more profound. He also mentions alot seems to be influenced by your preconceived notions you bring to the interactions yourself making it more easy to see things or perceive what is about you.This may be one of the areas Dr. Salla is bringing to the table as our government and institutions are often known to spin things to get you to feel good about working for them on projects thinking you are doing some highest good, or lessening what they are really about so you operate with various blinders on and are kept separated from the big picture. Just like doctors are trained and go into the field to be of great service and told vaccines and synthetic meds prevent many tragedies so the ill effects are far out weighed by the vast good they are doing.

Now it could be some are reptilian hybrids not Nordically or Pleiadean mixed much and when they are doing great benefits and high on sharing love they morph reptilian.It could be just in one's "snakey" or "cold blooded" moments one gets caught on film if they are Rh negative.Some have evolved and are very spiritual, wonderful people. I have heard some who see auras and "ancestors" say that when their Rh negative partner and they were sharing sacred intimate moments high intensity unusual they morphed and it was a reptilian overshadowing. That Purple Crow site gave an example of one and what sexual mores to get to appear reptilian in this department he has experienced.

Now we also have quite a few MORE blood cofactors not just the ABOneg or positive for actual blood typing out. Now it seems the O positive predominates the Native American's, for example, and in their lore they all originated or have interactions with the Pleiades or came through from there. As well they are visited and comfortable with the good zetas besides ancestors.

I moved to a small town that was preponderantly all A negatives with only a few AB negatives drawn to a certain religious bond.It seems to be the A negatives who both parents for generations were A negative no A negative recessive O so not showing on blood typing but you can check a few generations back and figure it out, the pure A negatives trend to have some issues on these areas we have trended to notice those in power exhibiting with the negative blood in their lesser moments and when they reverted from a vegan diet to eat pork or lower food chain mixed with aspartame. Who knows perhaps if the A negatives get an O negative blood transfusion this hybridizes them further in the blood memory. The statistically potentially pure A negatives morph the most easy. Mark Roberts of that Stargate The Real One site reports his bloodtype changed from negative to positive after a very benevolent and spiritual ET interaction and he'd found others getting the same experiences of direct interaction their blood type changed from negative to positive when they got typed afterwards in their life.

Did you get my emails since I can't PM yet? I don't want to be "off topic" here so best discuss your excellent questions and experiences in emails.


posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:06 AM
Palasheea, Go to that *removed* forum and PM me there. As well look from last to first on 2nd volume under Dex(Dexxxaa) and DD for some of your questions you brought up. No email yet from you.Place the link here if needed.

[edit on 15-8-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Destiny Dreamer
Palasheea, Go to that *removed* forum and PM me there. As well look from last to first on 2nd volume under Dex(Dexxxaa) and DD for some of your questions you brought up. No email yet from you.Place the link here if needed.

I sent you an email after logging into my inbox in response to yours. Please check your inbox.

Also, will got to's forum and PM you there -- will read over those Dex threads too.

Also, interesting information in your post before this one that I have quoted at the top of this message. What you are saying here makes me want to read up more on all of this because I'm really curious to find out more about where such information originated -- in short, the history behind such theories and how they evolved and so on.... Actually, I'm finding that there's an enormous amount of information available on the net but just like the information about Dr. Burisch, one is at a loss as to where to begin.....
So I'm glad you are here to give some links for that and from there I'm looking forward to educating myself on these topics....

[edit on 15-8-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:06 PM
ive only really found this site but it seems i find far to much negativity in it for the actual purpose i mean this sight is amazing but why redicule someone when everyone should know Anything is possible if it can be thought it can be done .... so you honestly shouldnt even be using this site if you have such a narrow minded brain to ridecule.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Basalisk2

Where did you find the traits? this is very interesting.
i cannot answer for you but i think i match you..i dont think i had the playing with them when younger..but i always been fascinated with the solar system and recently had a dream with a beautiful woman on board a craft who called her self "Sislix" she said i called for her when i used my birthmark towards the stars...this is interesting..anything else you can tell us?

because i hope to prove not all Reptilians are evil cold monsters.
defo s and f for you though..please hopefully reply because i have the same experiences.

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