posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 07:04 PM
What do you mean by sniper rifle? A .50 cal would be too big for most of these things, I believe, but a 5.56 or 7.62 "rifle" (you wouldn't need the
stock or trigger, just have something to trip the sear...) might be light enough for a relatively small VTOL (probably rotor) UAV to carry and fire.
You could probably keep the weapons and targetting systems under 10 pounds, and with a bit of discipline keep the entire thing under 10k dollars.
This would have a pretty useful role in the battlefield. If insurgents decided to start attacking something, you could have a few of these things
controlled by people at a nearby base that flank the insurgents and attack them from behind. This would work even better if you could form a network
of these things, where individual bases would have a dozen or so of these and put them into the air, land them and do maintanence. When in the air,
they could perform a preprogrammed "idle" phase where they would create a formation that would try and cover an area fairly evenly while creating a
higher concentration at areas likely to be attacked, such as convoy routes. If one of them is attacked, or if a request for support comes in,
operators in a central location would "activate" drones in the area and use them to aid the individuals in need. This would allow operators to be
involved in 3-4 firefights a day without any risk to them.