Top slice is a part of the frame right before the impact, where "something" is visible in an aproach to the pentagon.
Middle slice is a part of the frame right before the top frame, when there was nothing to see, the "normal" scenery for that camera.
The bottom image is what I noticed when comparing the 2.
What most people have been viewing as the body of the aircraft seems to actualy be smoke or exhaust or something.
Whats visible when you compare the 2 frames is the triangle I outlined in the red circle, which can only be the aircrafts tail, and I don't know any
aircrafts that have the tail at the front of the fusilage.
Next image is the same thing done with the frames from the second camera angle.
A pitty we still haven't seen any of the other footage that is said to exist but confiscated by the FBI.
At least we should be able to callculate the size of the object because we have 2 camera angles and a rough measure of how high it is and what size
the tail is.
If you can't see what I'm seeing in the first image, I'll try to make an animated gif to make it clearer, thats how I noticed it, by switching
between layers in photoshop.
The problem I have now is that the size of this tail in relation to what it would translate to in the size of a 757 body isn't working at all, you
should see the fusilage at the front of the yellow box blocking the view. The only way it wouldn't be showing is if the airplane is comming almost
directly at the camera, and seeing where the impact happend, that wasn't the case..
Next to that, what would cause a 757 to blow so much white smoke?
[edit on 31/7/06 by thematrix]