Odd Sounding Topic, but whatever...
Okay...so alot of people are asking questions and talking about 9/11 and learning the truth. but dark times are ahead...
What now? What happens when EVERYONE knows...
What will happen once everyone agrees that something needs to be done [not just about 9/11, but the all out 'corporate-corrupt' criminals in control
of our nation.]
TIME GOES ON...NOTHING CHANGES!!! and its about to get worse...
high gasoline prices...the cost of daily life becoming more and more expensive, the rise of *cough*terrorism*cough*, the global warming
crap...everything coming down on us at once...TRUE leadership is needed!
A stand NEEDS to be taken, but heres where it gets dangerous...
If we all grab our 'pitch forks & torches and storm up to the castle', so to speak, we would be greeted by men in black pointing guns and lethal
weapons at us...and would probably be rounded and jailed...
LET ALONE having to deal with the crazy 'anarchist' anti-government people who would begin to provoke violence and try to start chaos...causing
riots and violence. Thats when the news/government labels ALL OF US the 'anarchists' and 'terrorist sympathizers'...you see what im saying...
They will generalize us all as being the same group. REALLY; there is US americans who LOVE this country and want to take back our government, and
punishing the criminals in this administration, and restore order and restore the constitution and bill of rights as the greatest and only true
Then there is 'THEM'...the ones who WANT things to go 'all out of control!' The agent provokitors!
Well, I've been think about HOW the re-taking back of the us govt would happen...
the 2nd american civil war, really. BUT it doesnt have to resort to war and violence...and it SHOULDNT!
RESTORING the counrty/govt back to its constitutional roots needs to take place in an organized legal matter...with absolutley NO VIOLENCE! I REPEAT!
NO VIOLENCE! What hows this gonna happen??
A 'revolutionary' organization needs to be made. A society of truth....
If these criminals in control DO operate in secret, like the mafia...Shouldnt WE do the same?? Shouldnt WE secretly be taking back control...putting
'our' people in high places...US rigging elections...US controlling everything, instead of the criminals destroying this country that are currently
in control.
So I thought about the movie "FIGHT CLUB".
If you really understand this movie, you'll see where im going with this...
THAT secret society they started up...quietly and slowly over time...
There numbers grew and grew...more and more everyday, eventually even all the cops were 'in the know'...and had become, 'one of us!'
BUT THEY USED VIOLENCE! theres the problem! They ended up using explosives to demolish the credit company buildings [which were empty] reseting the
debt to ZERO. I used the movie fight club as an illistration or example of waht NNED to happen, minus the violence.
How will we stand up to the government?? Do you even think we should? Do YOU even care??