posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 03:03 PM
Hey guy's and girls, I would like to point out a very scary article I've just been reading. Its all about a very realistic scenario involving
Israel, Iran and of course Hezbollah.
Here is the link -
Its slightly different from what's happening in real life, as it starts off with Isreal attacking Irans Nuclear facility and then Iran ordering
Hezbollah to attack israel
Day One: Wednesday
In a pre-dawn raid, undisclosed numbers of Israeli warplanes, taking off from military airbases in the Negev, destroy Iran’s main nuclear facility
at Bushehr.
Day Two: Thursday
Tehran orders the Lebanese Shi’ite movement, Hezbollah, into action against northern Israel. Hezbollah launches scores of rockets and mortars
against kibbutzim, towns, and settlements. Israel retaliates. Casualties are high on both sides of the frontier
The end result is....well you read it and find out, I just hope to god it doesn't end like that..
How likely is anything in that article to become reality?