posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 07:47 PM
Yesterday Mel Gibson was apparently arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Link to Article
It has now come out that police altered the original report because of anti-Semitic remarks allegedly made by Gibson at his arrest.
Here is the pdf of the hand written report made by the arresting officer that contains the offending remarks:
Link to Report
The report is quite difficult to read as the hand writing is atrocious.
The remarks are as follows:
"F***ing Jew", "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world", "(To the officer) Are you a Jew?"
These comments were removed from the official report because the police feared it may stir up anti-Semitic sentiment.
I ask why have they now come out and admitted to altering the report? It seems to have defeated the purpose of what they had originally set out to
It is a well known fact that Gibson's father is a Holocaust denier and an anti-Zionist.
Gibson himself has never made any kind of anti-Semitic remark before, the closest being labelled an anti-Semite by the the national director of the
ADL, Abraham Foxman, for comments Gibson made in an interview concerning his film "The Passion of the Christ".