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9/11, Conspircies, and The Payoff

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posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 04:26 PM
Well the day of 9/11 is one of them things that some of us think that 9/11 is an inside job, we have no doubt on what actually happened. Other people tho have their completely beliefs that the government is actually telling the truth.

I came across a question by someone I talk to online mostly about games and such. We talk about some conspiracy crap here and there but mostly I save it for ATS. In other words he is not interested in not hearing wtf I have to say about who did what and why and so on...

Anyway, to the point of this matter of why I am writing this post is this. He brings me a question which I actually never thought about either.. He shows me this image here.

He then asks me to answer that question.

This is where you come in. I really never thought about who paid of what and why. I only concentrated on the things I can answer such as:

Fire not intense.
Lady looking out of the tower where plane hit.
Orders to invade Iraq months before 9/11.

And so on..

So my question to you guys is this.

How is it that the government can make everyone shut up about 9/11 and such without some people saying anything?

Myself I am one who believes in the alternative theory and not the government version of 9/11.


To fix image link.

[edit on 7/29/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 04:42 PM
the link is dead.

Myself I am one who believes in the alternative theory and not the government version of 9/11.

care to elaborate? without the link and a better explanation of 'the alternative' i'm lost...

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
the link is dead.

Myself I am one who believes in the alternative theory and not the government version of 9/11.

care to elaborate? without the link and a better explanation of 'the alternative' i'm lost...

Ya it says this.

How will we get thousands of FBI Agents, Fire Fighters, Demolition Experts, Scientists, CIA, rescue workers, Police, Airline polits, NSA, The majority of the house of representives, air traffic control, high level military contractors and the entire bish team to keep our secret?

::EDIT:: I fixed image link above, sorry for the issues.

[edit on 7/29/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 05:02 PM
Well, obviously they did not.
If they did succeed in that then there would be no information and research
available that contradicts the official story.

The only people they would need to 'buy' or 'scare' are the ones in control
of the media, whatever is on CNN or any other big worldnews agency must be
according to the masses that is who refuse to look at alternatives.

The fact they are unable to contain the 'secret' is proven already.
The people that made the official report are the only ones pretty much that
had to be 'contained'. By not investigating this or that anomaly and to dismiss
plausable eyewitness testimonies contradicting them.

There are however thousands of people with good and expert knowledge about
engineering, physics and so on available to truthseekers or exposers worldwide
which they cant 'contain'. Problem is that the mainstream media does not take
them seriously or are not allowed to air 'in depth' material exposing the obvious
truth about 9/11 for "national security reasons" or for their own safety maybe.

What people dont see on CNN they dont care about these days. It has become a
global belief.

Who has enough power in the US politics to step up and say "This has gone far
enough and today will be the last day the Bush Administration, FEMA, the Generals
involved, the CIA agents, the FBI agents are in power of this nation!"
Who can do this and make it happen? How would this unfold, if people stood up
and started vast large demonstrations against the Administration, stopping their
daily business to demonstrate. Would the current Administration declare Martial
Law maybe? Or would they arrest everyone? What will happen?

[edit on 29-7-2006 by zren]

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 07:15 PM
To put that image in context here is the original source of that image.

There is no 9/11 conspiracy you morons.

He also points out an interesting conspiracy involving Glenn Beck and the 100 dollar bill.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:27 AM
Actually no that wasn't the context of the question.

The person just asked the question from the image to me, I didn't have an answer since i never actually thought of that part of the conspiracy so the question still stands the same as I asked about...

How does one keep all those people silent??

Altho on a side note, a lot of people are starting to come out about this, so... I guess they can't keep everyone quiet.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 02:59 AM

There is no 9/11 conspiracy you morons.

1. there are 2 videos known to be confiscated and never released. that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt there is some amount of cover up, therefore conspiracy.
2. what exactly happened on that day you cant tell me you know unless you were aboard all 4 planes and at all 4 crash sites.
3. dont call us morons.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

This is where you come in. I really never thought about who paid of what and why. I only concentrated on the things I can answer such as:

Fire not intense.
Lady looking out of the tower where plane hit.
Orders to invade Iraq months before 9/11.

And so on..

So my question to you guys is this.

How is it that the government can make everyone shut up about 9/11 and such without some people saying anything?

[edit on 7/29/2006 by ThichHeaded]

I remember several video locations on that morning that have never surfaced again. CNN newscaster watching from an onsite view screaming "Oh my God!" is one that was only aired once, about 15 or so minutes after the initial strike.
The one from the ballpark, and also the home video of some people in a park area (I think) acting strangely, yes, but they had footage of the planes hitting WTC.
There also the widely held belief that there was pre-knowledge that it was going to happen.
Something that was very quickly put down was the fact that there was indeed an FBI agent calling SA airlines specifically asking if there had been a hijacking. They, my belief is anyway, knew directly, exactly something "may" happen. It was handled incorrectly, and that continues to this day.
The gov't doesn't necessarily control the media, but they do have ways of influencing. Besides, the majority of America doesn't seem interested in reality or its consequences, only distractions from it.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:49 AM
The answer is: compartimentilazation of information.

o Everything on a need to know basis
o Service men and women asked to stand down
o Control of SAC in hands of Cheney
o Insiders on key positions

Only a handful of people (The Players) need to "keep their mouths shut" for this to remain in the large grey area where it is now.

The cold hard and undeniable evidence lies with the Players, the rest is just speculation and is easily contained.

It will be interesting to see what will happen over the next year or so, as it looks like the truth movement is about to reach critical mass by gaining popular, celebrity and even mainstream support .

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by LeftBehind
To put that image in context here is the original source of that image.

There is no 9/11 conspiracy you morons.

He also points out an interesting conspiracy involving Glenn Beck and the 100 dollar bill.

this site is total crap. the guy who wtrote it is an idiot and he makes the most assinine assumptions I have seen yet. Why didnt they kill the guys that made loose change? duh because it would validate the Loos Change video. The guy who wrote that site is the real moron.

Maybe he should have put his own name on that 100 dollar bill instead. Ignorance and stupidity such as what was displayed on that site really piss me off!

*edit- MODS- so you know I am NOT calling anyone on this thread an idiot or a moron... merely the author of the above posted link not the person who posted the link...thanks for letting me clarify

[edit on 30-7-2006 by TONE23]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:10 AM
You don't have to keep anyone silent when they don't know any better (compartmentalization -- ie the example, left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, following instructions without asking questions, etc.), don't have access to media (especially when the media isn't reporting this stuff anyway), or are under legal "gag orders" (NYPD, NYFD, apparently even civilian medics, as Indira Singh testifies to have been placed under a gag order -- threats of job loss, legal consequences, etc.).

The only guys that would have to have really juicy stuff to spill would be the ones that had major hands in the whole operation. If it was pulled off well, no one else would know any more than their specific role, and to bring that to light (if they wanted to incriminate themselves) would require finding media to report it. And that's if they know that they've even done anything that could be considered complicit in the first place.

An example of how well this could have been played out: explosives and fireproofing both come in slurry forms. Take a team, send them into the WTC to apply fireproofing. They spray explosives directly onto the columns and never think twice about it. With some creativity you could similarly fool people into placing other forms of explosives, I'm sure, or even laying massive amounts of them in liquid form into the floor slabs during construction.

Intelligence agencies are especially compartmentalized. They have to be to function effectively, without putting classified information at risk. How many people work for the FBI, CIA, NSA? And how many of those people come home every night with full knowledge of everything covert in this country? How many come home with even a fraction of the covert stuff going on? Not many, because they just don't have to know.

House of Reps is just ridiculous. Who the hell would inform them anyway, and why? Bush won't even let Congress know how he uses the PATRIOT Act.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 11:06 AM
I am very sure that if they had put this plan to action like 15 years ago in
1991/1992 they would have gotten away with it. Very little people (compared
with todays videocameras, computers and whatnot) had the means to investigate
what happened exactly and internet was pretty much non existant then.

LeftBehind: That site you are putting up is a joke lol.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by zren
I am very sure that if they had put this plan to action like 15 years ago in
1991/1992 they would have gotten away with it. Very little people (compared
with todays videocameras, computers and whatnot) had the means to investigate
what happened exactly and internet was pretty much non existant then.

LeftBehind: That site you are putting up is a joke lol.

Yeah, then you could be attcking Clinton , and Gore like this. That would be interesting to see. There would have to be thousands involved minimum! Atleast that is what the "scholars" claimed on the "C- Span Deabacle". As far as the website. It IS A JOKE , lighten up Francis! LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:44 PM
Thanks everyone for a response.

TO Duhh That had nothing to do with this topic, I didn't mention anything about the 9/11 scholar thing on C-Span.. If you cant contribute to a post then don't add anything.

Really you keep posting crap, I am surprised you are really around to actually post such garbage.

Anyway The question still stands for people who haven't seen this thread.

How does one keep so many people quiet?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:52 PM
Why all the anger here? I mentioned the C-SPAN DEBACLE beacuse they mentioned it would take thousands in the cover up. I think to silence people you do not like is kinda harsh! I belive the cartoon above is a good queston. It makes Occoms Razor a bit dull. Play Nice!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:55 PM
You know... instead of trashing such things then make a post and disprove things that were on that show.

All I see from you is making posts with nothing to back you up..

Now if I posted something like the towers fell because of fairies I would have to show proof.

In other words put up or shut up...


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