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Imporant 9/11 Videos

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posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 09:06 AM

Here's a wet dream for you all. Some of the videos maybe you've seen and some not. I haven't seen all of them personally so I am working on it.

Terrorstorm is pretty interesting. I like the part where the taxi driver says "yea, I don't mind surrendering a little freedom for security..bla bla"

The problem with this is it's not a little freedom it's total freedom and thats not good. He confused another women completely that was funny.

David Griffin's speech for 9/11 errors and omissions is pretty good. It clears out all the myths for both sides of the argument. Though I see more myths out there for the side that agrees with Bush's 9/11 explanations or lackthereof.

[edit on 29-7-2006 by whokilledthekennedys]

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 12:05 PM
Very nice "video and audio" forum there. If those lectures and speeches dont
make the masses question 9/11 they must suffer from ignorance beyond doubt.

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 03:36 PM
Indeed. The issue of 9/11 and government involvement has been proven beyond a resonable doubt with everything that I've seen. One can't even begin to scrach the surface after just an hour.

If only the supporters of the government could get their head around the fact that history does indeed repeat itself.

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 11:07 PM
Suffer from ignorance? How many people have forked over money to good ole Davy Ray for his BS about 9/11? They sound pretty ignorant to me, especially when it is so easy to logically (and factually) demolish his arguments.

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by whokilledthekennedys
Indeed. The issue of 9/11 and government involvement has been proven beyond a resonable doubt with everything that I've seen. One can't even begin to scrach the surface after just an hour.

If only the supporters of the government could get their head around the fact that history does indeed repeat itself.

It can be quite profitable to support the powers that be. I mean they own the keys to the pantry... they can help you. There is good reasons for suspension of belief and kow towing to the existing order.. easier survival or living large even. It is a rational decision but it contains less of any higher level known morality among humans.


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