posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 12:00 PM
Did Isreal pick the right time to escalate a conflict with Hezbollah?
Here you have the US and allies giving insurgents/terrorists in Iraq a very hard time just a couple countries away.
Now you have Al-Queda calling for Isreal to be punished.
Al-Queda Calls for Isreal to be Punished
Al - Queda has been getting chased all over Afghanistan and Pakistan and not achieving a whole lot progress for their beliefs.
Iran appears to have gotten missles with a longer range, and nobody knows how long a range these missles have.
Now you have Isreal, who all these people hate in a conflict/war with Hezbollah.
I think in the near future now we will see all these organizations (for lack of a better word) coming down on Isreal, along with Hezbollah, Iran, and
maybe Syria.
I hope Isreal has thought about this and is sure it can handle what might come down on them.
I think they might have been able to pick a better time than now. There are so many of these "organizations" in this area that hate Isreal that are
not having a lot of luck in their "field of operations" that I think they just might leave those areas and all start attacking Isreal.
Or do you think it was better for Isreal to start this conflict now before Iran gets better armed and arms Hezbollah better.
So, do you think Isreal picked the right time?
[edit on 28-7-2006 by Keyhole]