posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 12:07 PM
I don't know what any of you guys are talking about.
When the israelis hit something, I see footage all over the news of the smoke and fire from it, and there are constant reports of airports, 10 story
buildings, fuel depots, bridges, roads, UN posts, etc being hit by the isrealis.
There isn't as much 'exciting' footage from lebanon because very little media is within lebanon, its too dangerous.
As far as the title being misleading, the complex hit was a chemical plant. It didn't produce chemical weapons, but thats not what all chemical
plants do.
I don' think anyone is trying to say anything in noting its a plant that was hit, they are simply reporting on it.
As far as it being a strategic target, Hezbollah doesn't have the ability to designate and hit targets. Their rockets are pointed in the general
direction of a broad area within Isreal, then fired. They screech into the air and fall when they run out of fuel, and then explode. They fired
nearly 120 rockets as reported earlier today, and ther wasn't a single casualty, thats becuase these things are landing in fields and forests as much
as within city limits, let alone on the specific places where people are. There was even one strip of israeli land that projects into Lebanon, but is
very long and narrow. Hezbollah hasn't even tried hitting it with rockets, becuase they can't risk, with their extremely inaccurate systems, hitting
the lebanese territory surrounding it. Thats how inaccurate these things are. It was pure luck that it happened to hit this industrial
[edit on 27-7-2006 by Nygdan]