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Double standards with Israel and the U.N.

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posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:31 AM
Yeeeeahhh Baby! Wang you promote truth! You won't see that on Fox! Rockin'.

Yeah I see a "custom", "favourable" and "unique" treatment of Israel and those who support Israel in many, many places.

There's equal status and then there is "Israel special status" and not just in US Foreign policy - it is pervasive and ubiquitous in biz and media too, world-freakin-wide. They get to run table with no penalty for sewering. Until now.

This special supra-nominal status datum set point is more than double the advantage in world affairs and sets an even playing field for all... 'cept those that own the field and their "special guest celebrity war criminal stars" and other approved proxy-thugs. The only nation with the tacit approval to kill innocent humans as a deliberate act. I mean they even have nukes, shhh it's a secret.

This latest war crime Qana v2.0 will haunt their sorry souls and everything they try and accomplish will be suspect in all aspects by all sensible nations. They were playing the world like a Stradavarius and they broke 3 strings at Qana and the bow is runnin' thin on gut and now they can only produce a song of one note; "It's not our fault!".

Israel felt insecure before?... wait a couple of weeks and then watch them belly-crawl for the next five decades. This'll be ugly and much wetter in Israel than elsewhere including Lebanon.

This double-standard in policy application will be their undoing in the world community. They can not be trusted. To do so will only decrease one's own security. They screwed-up big-time and they can't take it back or hide it anymore and folks worldwide just ain't gonna give a damn as to their fate.

And then? Then the Arab big boys will get serious once the "invincible shield" of "plausible denial" is smashed like a Yugo windshield in a compactor. Israel will never be the same and now that's OK by me 100%.

Thanx wang,

Victor K.

Qana v1.0, Qana v2.0... What's next?
Never forget.

[edit on 31-7-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 03:48 AM
It certainly doesn't help when before every one of these resolutions can be enforced by the Security Council it gets vetoed by the the U.S. Kinda makes things hard,and kinda takes away all of the U.N's power...

This is a list of resolutions vetoed by the USA. The USA used its veto over 70 times during the 20th century. On the majority of occasions, the USA vetoed resolutions that were favoured by the majority of the world's nations.

Great topic by the way. Way above.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 03:58 AM
Why the tirade against the UN, Nygdan? I've lost count of how many times I've said this recently, but I'll say it again:


When one member with a veto abuses that right to the point that the UN can do nothing against a criminal state, what do you honestly expect? Of course the Un is toothless, thats until the United States lets it have it's dentures back when it suits them..

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 04:10 AM
It so bloody obvious.... Was there any US vote against Israel @ UN?

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 04:28 AM



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posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 01:27 AM
Hello Wang, I am responding to your request I post my comments on this topic, I read the thread before and did not respond because I know exactly what response I will get in return.

The U.N. has absolutely no right to tell ANYONE what to do. The U.N. cannot tell Israel what to do, it sure as hell cannot tell America what to do and it has never been effective in telling Arabs what to do. The U.N. is a symbolic icon so that all the world may feel that every thing is going to be OK because we have sensible men talking our problems over. BS.

I think the U.N. is used as a weapon, that is the ONLY reason we still support it and keep it funded, without us it would dissolve. America uses the UN to give "warnings" that they know damn well mean nothing, they warned and warned and warned Saddam, they warn North Korea, they war Iran, they warn anyone they want to and we get up in front of the UN general assembly and we cry for peace!! We cry for peace so all the men and women of the world may think.... everything is going to be OK. It isn't, it wont, and it never has been. The UN is a JUSTIFICATION for war, simple as that, we warn say "hey dude, like um, nukes are bad mmkay? And uh, er, well you know it just isn't nice so uh, like, play nice." while we pile our troops on the border of what ever victim we seek. Think Saddam actually thought that the UN finding nothing didn't mean Bush would still attack? He saw the troops, he knew there was nothing he could do but lay the ground work for a resistance.

Israel knows this, they play the game, they where taught by the best of the best at the sleigh of hand in the world arena, America. Israel was warned, and Israel doesn't give a damn, Israel killed UN troops, I would bet they thought it was good sport to do such a thing, I mean the idiots wear baby blue helmets thinking no one will want to shoot them... no, the UN cannot do a damn thing to Israel, it has no force, a mass of nations will never agree on one thing with out argument and as long as the biggest members reap a reward (Oil for food, stabilizing war zones to profit off a stable oil resource in Africa, justification for war) there will be a UN.

Israel will never head to anyone, not even us here in the good Ole USA and we cannot expect them to because they have the exact same mentality as their enemies, the UN doesn't understand and is incapable of doing so and so they can treat the sick and wounded but it won't stop the bombs.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:03 AM

America uses the UN to give "warnings" that they know damn well mean nothing,

They only mean nothing because countries like Israel ignore their resolutions and before the Security Council can react countries like the U.S veto any action. The U.N is toothless because the U.S likes it that way.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:17 AM
Why should North Korea heed the UN if countries like India, pakistan and Israel skirt the laws and build WMD's in secrecy. The same for Iran. It has nothing to do with The UN not being effectual its the COUNTRIES that make up the UN is what makes it ineffectual. States like Israel that feels itself non-binding to a treaty they were eager to sign upon statehood break the agreements of that treaty, then everyone else will want to do likewise. If America vetos each resolution against Israel and she goes without punishment, the Veto doesn't make it go away, the other members KNOW it still occurred, they know she is guilty, they figure if Israel can do it, then so will I. An organization/Company is only as good as the employee
it hires.

Look up who it was exactly that The Germans in WWII surrendered to.

Israels motto should be "I wouldn't wanna join a club that had me as a member

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
The U.N. has absolutely no right to tell ANYONE what to do. The U.N. cannot tell Israel what to do, it sure as hell cannot tell America what to do and it has never been effective in telling Arabs what to do. The U.N. is a symbolic icon so that all the world may feel that every thing is going to be OK because we have sensible men talking our problems over. BS.

Well you may think the UN is just symbolic, but that plainly is not fact. Here are the functions and powers of the UN general assembly and also the function and powers of the UN sercuity council. The countries that enter the united nations are then responsible to perform these functions, and if so they are not abiding by the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Sercuity.charter of the UN

I think the U.N. is used as a weapon, that is the ONLY reason we still support it and keep it funded, without us it would dissolve. America uses the UN to give "warnings" that they know damn well mean nothing, they warned and warned and warned Saddam, they warn North Korea, they war Iran, they warn anyone they want to and we get up in front of the UN general assembly and we cry for peace!! We cry for peace so all the men and women of the world may think.... everything is going to be OK. It isn't, it wont, and it never has been. The UN is a JUSTIFICATION for war, simple as that, we warn say "hey dude, like um, nukes are bad mmkay? And uh, er, well you know it just isn't nice so uh, like, play nice." while we pile our troops on the border of what ever victim we seek. Think Saddam actually thought that the UN finding nothing didn't mean Bush would still attack? He saw the troops, he knew there was nothing he could do but lay the ground work for a resistance.

Firstly thats americans arrogance thinking "without america the UN would dissolve, yes it is correct that the usa gives majority of funds to the UN but it does not mean it would dissolve without america. America is not the world. I believe that the UN is used as a justification for wars, but again as stated befor its the countries who are members of the UN whos responsibility is to perform the proper functions of the UN, so if america is the main backer of the UN the biggest amount of responsibility lands on america hereself.

Israel knows this, they play the game, they where taught by the best of the best at the sleigh of hand in the world arena, America. Israel was warned, and Israel doesn't give a damn, Israel killed UN troops, I would bet they thought it was good sport to do such a thing, I mean the idiots wear baby blue helmets thinking no one will want to shoot them... no, the UN cannot do a damn thing to Israel, it has no force, a mass of nations will never agree on one thing with out argument and as long as the biggest members reap a reward (Oil for food, stabilizing war zones to profit off a stable oil resource in Africa, justification for war) there will be a UN.

Well as you say aslong as the biggest members reap a reward....who is the main funder of the UN.....
Also to say Israel learnt the "sleigh of hand in the world areana" you are admiting that you belive Israel has done a "sleigh of hand" now.

Israel will never head to anyone, not even us here in the good Ole USA and we cannot expect them to because they have the exact same mentality as their enemies, the UN doesn't understand and is incapable of doing so and so they can treat the sick and wounded but it won't stop the bombs.

Well if Israel will not heed to the International community does that not mean they are a rougue state, and should be treated as such? Also then america is provideing a rouge state with arms, and their are laws set up to prevent american companies to boycott this rouge state.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 05:02 AM

Originally quoted by wang

Well if Israel will not heed to the International community does that not mean they are a rougue state, and should be treated as such? Also then america is provideing a rouge state with arms, and their are laws set up to prevent american companies to boycott this rouge state.

Yes and Yes. But by virtue of the U.S. being a superpower and Israel hitching a wagon to a star, none of these things--despite how heinous they are--will ever be enforced. Especially with John Bolton there to harp on every little thing the UN does.

Politics is a dirty game--especially in the international arena. And while other countries are held under the thumb of prosecution for their deeds, others unfortunately get a pass.

It should not be that way. It should be fair across the board. And the world courts should prosecute the countries who do war crimes. That is what the International Criminal Courts are for.

But right now, Israel is too hot to touch because of their political connections and ties. However, what they did to the citizens in Qana and their continued encroachment into Lebanon might tarnish this view a bit.

After all, people in the international community can take only enough killing on their television screens. And Qana was the tip of the iceberg.

[edit on 2-8-2006 by ceci2006]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 01:46 PM

quote: Israel knows this, they play the game, they where taught by the best of the best at the sleigh of hand in the world arena, America. Israel was warned, and Israel doesn't give a damn, Israel killed UN troops, I would bet they thought it was good sport to do such a thing, I mean the idiots wear baby blue helmets thinking no one will want to shoot them... no, the UN cannot do a damn thing to Israel, it has no force, a mass of nations will never agree on one thing with out argument and as long as the biggest members reap a reward (Oil for food, stabilizing war zones to profit off a stable oil resource in Africa, justification for war) there will be a UN.

Well as you say aslong as the biggest members reap a reward....who is the main funder of the UN.....
Also to say Israel learnt the "sleigh of hand in the world areana" you are admiting that you belive Israel has done a "sleigh of hand" now.

quote: Israel will never head to anyone, not even us here in the good Ole USA and we cannot expect them to because they have the exact same mentality as their enemies, the UN doesn't understand and is incapable of doing so and so they can treat the sick and wounded but it won't stop the bombs.

Well if Israel will not heed to the International community does that not mean they are a rogue state, and should be treated as such? Also then America is providing a rouge state with arms, and their are laws set up to prevent American companies to boycott this rouge state.

I am not that avid of a supporter to Israel to say they are perfect, please don't think I make such statement above and that I am contradicting my beliefs.

Would the UN dissolve with out the United States. Well I think it could continue, but it would be so ineffective not having our troops to take care of their dirty business that they hold no leverage over "rouge" states. We are in fact the front for UN action, diplomatic and military. UN is fine at peace keeping, as long as they are not raping children.
. but only after America goes and cleans the place out first.

Is North Korea required to heed to the UN? NO, is Iran? NO, was Saddam? NO.

Why did the UN mandate that Iran not have nuclear power? Because America decided Iran was a threat, yeah, and Pakistan, Sudan, China, Russia, Old Soviet Bloc, nooo they are fine, but Iran is eeevviilll.. No, it is a weapon, it targets Iran, forces it into embarrassing submission in front of the world scene to provoke Iran so we can take action. Is Israel a rouge state? In the rational view of our foreign policy yes, they are a rouge state attacking weaker states. Think is Lebanon launched this kind of assault on Israel, would we view it as them defending themselves? NO, of course we wouldn't!! Do I still support Israel? Yes!, I have not been given a reason to NOT support them.

I want to try and summarize my views here, I am not hard right leaning, more right then left, but a very straight forward view on things. The world sucks, incompetent people tend to rule the world, and of course I understand that we are viewed as the bad guys but being a bad guy then I see my self (American) as the good guy. We can say how horrible it is, we can say how we would love to save the children, we give money to charity to make us think we are making the world an OK place to be when in reality, we cant control it.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Would the UN dissolve with out the United States. Well I think it could continue, but it would be so ineffective not having our troops to take care of their dirty business that they hold no leverage over "rouge" states. We are in fact the front for UN action, diplomatic and military. UN is fine at peace keeping, as long as they are not raping children.
. but only after America goes and cleans the place out first.

Yes america is the front of UN military action and because of this it then controls the dpilomatic actions of the UN aswell, but i still believe that if America left the UN yes it would become less effective through-out the next 10-20 years, but with growing countries like china, india, and russia would then start to contribute more.
Not to say those governments wont use the Un as a tool of their own.

Is North Korea required to heed to the UN? NO, is Iran? NO, was Saddam? NO.

Why did the UN mandate that Iran not have nuclear power? Because America decided Iran was a threat, yeah, and Pakistan, Sudan, China, Russia, Old Soviet Bloc, nooo they are fine, but Iran is eeevviilll.. No, it is a weapon, it targets Iran, forces it into embarrassing submission in front of the world scene to provoke Iran so we can take action. Is Israel a rouge state? In the rational view of our foreign policy yes, they are a rouge state attacking weaker states. Think is Lebanon launched this kind of assault on Israel, would we view it as them defending themselves? NO, of course we wouldn't!! Do I still support Israel? Yes!, I have not been given a reason to NOT support them.

I do fully believe in your statement Iran is only a rouge state because america decided it was. Then again you admit Israel is a rouge state and you still support them because you have no reason not to support them. I think you do have a reason, Israel can not be above other nations, it must abide by the same international laws that all other countries abide by. Now to just plainly say that Israel knows how to play the international community is not a good enough reason. If we can see through the lies that have been told, the UN officials can certainly see through the visage. And again if they do nothing about enforcing international law, it shows that the UN is not faulty but its members are.

I want to try and summarize my views here, I am not hard right leaning, more right then left, but a very straight forward view on things. The world sucks, incompetent people tend to rule the world, and of course I understand that we are viewed as the bad guys but being a bad guy then I see my self (American) as the good guy. We can say how horrible it is, we can say how we would love to save the children, we give money to charity to make us think we are making the world an OK place to be when in reality, we cant control it.

I think you underestimate the intelligence of the people who 'run the world'. These people are not as incompetent as you think, they have set up a system that can control its people while giving them the illusion of freedom. That takes skill.
Also because you are american does simply classify you as a 'good guy', if so them timothy macveigh was a 'good guy'....The U.S. cant control the world correct, but it can influence the world very heavily, the american people must realize that the people who they vote into power just not just effect the american people, but it effects the rest of the world aswell. When you have a corrupt administration in power, labeling competing states as rouge states in the international community then getting economic sactions on those states, but then back its own rouge states creating laws to prevent sactions taking by its own citizens agaisnt such a state. It can create huge amounts of hate and dispair in the world.

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