posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 04:55 AM
I can't believe more people don't see through this thinly veiled pile of B.S. The propaganda is obvious. I love the way, after all evidence points
to Israel quite purposely destroying the U.N post it is now the fault of
the terrorists!
You've killed 400 civilians with your invasion of Lebannon
"....they were near the terrorists"
Your targetting civilian infrastructure and tearing the city apart
"....because of the terrorists"
You've blown up a U.N observation post killing 4 observers
"....but there were terrorists"
You've blown up an ambulance driving along the road
"we thought they were terrorists"
Just how long can Israel continue to play this "get out of jail free" card? and anyone who questions them?
"supporter of terrorists"
What a crock.