posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 03:40 PM
sorry this is a repost from "odd dream" just thought i would new thread it to get more responses and input.
i just had a dream /wake state experience last night, right before i went to bed i tried to have an OBE and asked for help... no success. but i had
the weirdest dream/wake state experience afterwards. here is details..
well started with a normal dream.. i was in a hotel room looking for the elevator.. when suddenly there was some sort of concert going on and they
blocked off all elevators. so i went backstage and asked if there is a way in that way.. they said yes soi past security gaurds even though they tried
to stop me... and found a empty stairway which made me feel very uncomfortable and a bit spooked.. i kept walking up and up .. i just felt more and
more vulnerable to fear.. then our of nowhere... BOOM i felt this surge of energy throughout my body... and i think i woke up ... then i went into a
trance like dream... i felt tingly all over.. there were pictures of objects in a row from left to right... and going through each one was like ...
when u go sing along karaoke lines it highlights left to right... well that was happening with the pictures and instead of song lyrics it was phrases
within each object... very WEIRD phrases like political, prophet like, almost.. the only one that i can remember fully was this.. there was a statue
like stand and a hovering orb or ball on top... the stand said"i have found" and the orb/ball said"Jesus"... and it just kept going on and on... i
started to feel very uncomfortable and felt a presence... so i wanted to snap out of it... i snapped out of it and then i was laying on my bed feeling
tingly still and saw this shadowy figure on top of me... im not sure what it was doing but i felt it was once in me... i was hard to move... like i
wanted to move but something was blocking my motor skills mentally.. but i kept fighting it, and ended up crawling out of bed to the ground... after
that i blacked out and "woke up again" in my bed... the WEIRDEST EXPERIENCE IVE EVER HAD...
i have also believe i have felt a ghost go through me before at a friends garage... we were standing around a car we just bought for a friend and i
only drank HALF of my 1st beer.. i was standing between the back door and car... when suddenly i heard and felt this buzzing kind of vibration like
"bbbbrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmm" it went throught my left body... it was totally full of hate and anger... i felt danger and scared... i was frozen... the
sound was loudest when it went through my head.. and all the hairs on my left side of body shot up... i had hair all over my FACE!!! i never thought
existed.. and the back of my neck, my ears, arms , EVERYTHING!! i had to brush it down cuz it felt so uncomfortable... but yea other than that nothing
please give me some thoughts and input...