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North tower collapse suspicion

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posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 06:30 AM
Hello this is to be my first post, for a few days now I have been watching clips of the collapses of the world trade centers 1 and 2 - the north and south towers, and I made an obseravtion that seems to have been overlooked. The observation is that when i was watching the clips of the north tower collapse i noticed that before the BUILDING collapsed the spire starts to fall meaning (in my view) the collapse started at the top of the building and not where the line of where the plane hit. I also made a nother observation, I saw that there seems to be jets of white smoke (possibly white because of the sun beaming on it) coming out of the top few floors of the north tower that start before the building implodes. But on another clip I cannot tell if the white smoke starts before or as the building implodes - I would like peoples view of this and on the spire collapsing before the building does. I have made a .rar file including the clips that I would like you to review and a bmp of where exactly I want you to watch to see the white smoke.

I recomend you open these files in Quicktime as you have the ability to use the curser keys to go frame by frame of the clips - which is needed.

The link:

I look forward to hearing your responces.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 07:28 PM
This is discussed by many people who doubt the offical 9/11 story.


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