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My idea for a

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posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 12:20 AM
I always thought, I wish the government or somebody would create a multi-billion dollar organization in researching new possibilities for expanding mankind. A huge few hunded square acre researching facility dedicated to finding out anything it possibly can. Where the goal is to make mistakes in modern science to discover new technologies. Anyone else feel that way?

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 01:18 AM
the goverment could do so much good withh billons
instead of are people in irac when thay dont want us thair. what the heck is mister texin think he is
doin. the world hhas got worse here and thair
what gives. the next pres has a big job to fix.
i would not like to be thhat man.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 01:20 AM
Don't the goverment already squander enough of our money on research projects? How much more control should we allow them to have?

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by tracer
How much more control should we allow them to have?


...As a matter of fact, they have already stolen more control than the Constitution allows...The Consitution has become permanently stained from their footprints & their use of it as toilet paper.

The Constitution was as much a guideline of *limits* to the government's power as it is a guideline for what their duties actually are. They've grabbed too much power & stick their fingers into situations that have been reserved for States' Powers & Citizens' Powers.

I've heard of a government funded study to examine some obscure species of bird indigenous only to Africa...What they found out was that that species of bird spends *no* money whatsoever to study American Humans...

I've heard of another one where the study involved finding out why kids fall off their tricycles...After half-a-million dollars, it was concluded that they fall because they lose their balance.

Ridiculous BS, huh? But those government-funded studies I mentioned are *true*.

posted on Oct, 30 2003 @ 08:04 PM
It would be hard to decide what they would research there. Considering all the possible topics there are, what would they do? Even if they wanted to research something like how to build a UFO and just concentrate on that one topic, it would take a huge amount or human, material, and financial resources. Also, it has to be practical enough so that it's worth spending the money. Most of the time, the most practical and most needed discoveries aren't made for a loooong time.

If you're talking about inventing things by accident, alot of things were invented by accident, but aren't really suited for government use, like scotch guard and chocolate chip cookies. It really isn't considered an accident when you intentionally do it. And if it's something that involves techonology that has to live up to government standards, then I don't think it's possible to invent it accidentally.


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