I was wanting to download the Audacity Sound Editor, but my computer has had many an encounter with spyware.Does the Audacity Program have spyware? Or
any other kind of malware? I'm geting a mike tomorrow and I really want to do some podcasts, but I don't have a sound editor. I know some of you
guys who do podcasts have Audacity, but is there any spyware?
Thanks, all. I just need to get permission from my parents to download it! They are real weary about downloading any sort of program from the
interweb. If they say yes, and my friend really gives me the mike, then expect to hear my podcasts soon!
I too have it and used it. It doesn't contain anything other than what it is. It is quite useful and will not add any other applications to your
Tell your parents that they have nothing to worry about other than you spending a lot of time recording your musac!!!
Thank all, for your speedy replies. I will be downloading it shortly, just as soon as I get my microphone. Prepare to hear my voice! You may be
RanchMan, before you download that bloated program, why don't you try Skype? If you just want to use a program for webcasting, this is a far
superior one. Audacity does not include any spyware or adware, but it's just not as good or simple a program.