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ICE arresting illegal alien employers

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posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 03:23 PM

Employers held on charges of harboring illegal aliens
By Jerry Seper
July 23, 2006

Employers in three states targeted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents as part of an enhanced effort to combat illegal-alien employment schemes have been arrested for, or pleaded guilty to, charges of harboring illegal aliens.

ICE spokesman Dean Boyd said two limited-liability corporations in Kentucky -- Asha Ventures LLC and Narayan LLC -- pleaded guilty Thursday to criminal charges of harboring illegal aliens and money laundering in an illegal employment scheme at hotels. They agreed to pay $1.5 million cash in lieu of forfeiture and create internal compliance programs.

"ICE is taking an increasingly tough stance against egregious corporate violators that knowingly employ illegal aliens. Bringing criminal charges against these unscrupulous employers and targeting their ill-gotten gains is a tactic we are adopting nationwide," said Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers, who heads ICE.

As someone who works with a few, I am in total agreement with this. Whether it is combatted at the city, state, or federal level- SOMETHING has got to be done to take away the economic incentive for these people to avoid the laws and enter the US illegally. And if that means finding another employer because mine got busted over this, so be it. Hell, I'll start my own company with the slogan "Give your work to legal Americans. Give your work to us." I suppose I'd go bankrupt within a week. :shk:

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 04:23 PM

posted by TrueAmerican

Employers held on charges of harboring illegal aliens
The Wash Times July 23, 2006

Employers in three states targeted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents as part of an effort to combat illegal-alien employment schemes have been arrested for, or pleaded guilty to, charges of harboring illegal aliens.

ICE spokesman Boyd said 2 limited-liability corporations (LLCs) in Kentucky - Asha Ventures LLC and Narayan LLC -- pleaded guilty Thursday to criminal charges of harboring illegal aliens and money laundering in an illegal employment scheme at hotels. They agreed to pay $1.5 million cash in lieu of forfeiture and create internal compliance programs.

OK, good. So where are the hotel owners? Don’t think they are not part and parcel into this kind of scheme. Owners know every cent spent on workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, hours worked versus rooms rented. You don’t run a hotel successfully and be in the “dark.” We caught half the bandits. Let’s hear it about the other half.

Where were the Wage and Hour people? The OSHA people. The Uninsured Employers Fund. You “know” these smart guys are breaking every law on the books. I’m telling you, it is the hotel owners who are the real culprits. And this story did not even mention the hotels where the unfortunate and exploited undoc’s were working. What a story! Pulitzer Prize stuff.

"ICE is taking an increasingly tough stance against corporate violators that knowingly employ illegal aliens.

Well, it is about time you start doing your job, Ms. Secretary. Did you formerly work for FEMA? Those LLCs are just sub contractors. Why not get the owners? Come’on, ICE, this is just a sham for November 7. Let’s go after the Name Brand boys!

Bringing criminal charges against these unscrupulous employers and targeting their ill-gotten gains is a tactic we are adopting nationwide," said Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers, who heads ICE.

Oh, I’m so proud of you, Ms. Myers. After all these years, you all are finally catching a few of the more obvious ones. 50,000 LLCs out there, and you bring in 3! Wow! You sure are doing your job good. It must be election time?

As someone who works with a few, I am in agreement with this. Whether it is combated at the city, state, or federal level- SOMETHING has got to be done to take away the economic incentive for these people to avoid the laws and enter the US illegally.

Why so hard on an honest worker, T/A? I’ll bet any two of those undocumented types will do as much as 3 native born types? For less money. That is why they get jobs. They work. Employers are not stupid. Employers are greedy.

“ . . if that means finding another employer because mine got busted over this, so be it. Hell, I'll start my own company with the slogan "Give your work to legal Americans. Give your work to us." I suppose I'd go bankrupt within a week. [Edited by Don W]

I’m not getting personal , T/A, but this problem has always been susceptible to solution. Only Rich and Famous people hire illegals. I don’t hire them, never have. I’m not an R&F-er. The R&Fs run the country. So is this an “internal” dispute.

Slap a $25,000 a day fine for each illegal, on contractors and those who employ contractors. Go to the source. These LLCs are "insulation" for the real crooks. Fall guys. Give half the fine as a reward to the informers, and if illegal, give him a 10 year work permit and amnesty for the prior offense. Problem solved in 1 day!

As for the fines, are these fines like the fines given to Mike Milken? Fined $500 million but that left him with $300 million in the bank. So how much did these violators have left after the fine? How about holding those LLCs as Bush43 “enemy combatants” about a year. Incognito. That’ll send a message that will be heard. If they refuse to name their co conspirators, rendition them to Syria or Egypt for an overnight in the Cairo or Damascus jail.

[edit on 7/23/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 09:01 PM
I couldn't agree more, don

Go straight to the top. Think if every landscaping business and general contractor knew that they'd be fined bigtime for any subcontractor hired that gets busted employing illegal aliens. Ha. They'd have to get pretty damn picky with who they use as subs, for sure. I can see it now in the yellow pages ads:

Legal Landscapes. "The company with a heart for Gringos."

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 09:21 PM
The main argument for legalizing illegal immigrants is because our economy will "crash" if we sent them back (this is totally false). The US economy will crash if lawn mowers and hotels were short on staff? Ridiculous. Also, that no American will work for these jobs. It isn't because Americans are lazy as people say, it is because they pay very little. Well, let me ask you, if these people lost a lot of cheap labor, wouldn't they raise their wages so they can get employees? I guess it would fix that predicament. So I don't know how basically slave labor holds up our economy, especially when the major major major wealth comes from other places.

What they should do, is fine the people who have illegal immigrants 10,000 dollars for each illegal immigrant. Get every immigrant to register, with finger prints to be put in a database, do a legal check, give out a visa card and a "visa number". Get the employers to pay them minimum wage, and having the immigrants pay taxes. And boost border security, like allowing the reserves and national guard to DO something, and building a fence.

Of course that is too hard for our government to do.

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 06:59 AM

posted by RetinoidReceptor

The main argument for legalizing illegal immigrants is because our economy will "crash" if we sent them back (this is totally false). The US economy will crash if lawn mowers and hotels were short on staff? Ridiculous. Also, that no American will work for these jobs. It isn't because Americans are lazy as people say, it is because they pay very little.

Well, R/R, what’s wrong with a $10 minimum wage? People who won’t work for $6 or $8 may decide to work for $10. Plus in my dream world, I’d require employers to either furnish fringe benefits worth $2 or to pay to the employee an additional $2 an hour. Small employers would probably find it cheaper and a lot less hassle to pay the employee whereas larger employers - over 100 - would find it cheaper to buy health insurance sort of at wholesale prices. To prevent the employees from buying lottery tickets with his new fringe money, the government should do like in Medicare, write the policy but let private companies sell and administer it and make proof of insurance a condition of employment. .

“ . . they should fine the people who have illegal immigrants $10,000 for each illegal immigrant . . Register every immigrant with finger prints put in a database, do a legal check, give out a visa card and a "visa number" , , the employers pay minimum wage and the immigrants pay taxes. And boost border security . . Of course that is too hard for our government to do. [Edited by Don W]

OK on the registration of illegals, and requiring proof on the next job. All those illegals with social security number are probably paying taxes. Obviously, those without have no account into which to pay. We shoot ourselves in the foot.

One more problem is how do you “remove” 10 or 12 million people? It is impossible. Look at the mess we encountered in New Orleans with Katrina. We cannot hire enough cops to run around the country try and locate those people. They have to be convinced to come in and register. That is why some form of amnesty is the only solution to a problem that is 20-30 years in the making. I don’t want a wall. We have to do better than that. A wall symbolizes total failure of means and methods. I agree with most of your ideas, R/R.

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by donwhite
what’s wrong with a $10 minimum wage?

Everything, unless it was about the year 2010. Could you imagine a hike like that to some of the huge corporations who employ thousands of minimum wage, LEGAL citizens? Teenagers with summer jobs, elderly in retail positions, etc, etc. I'm not crazy about Big Macs, but damn, when I want one I'd rather not pay 15 bucks for one, thanks.

I don't feel the minimum wage should be messed with, other than the way it always has- as in climbed slowly in proportion to inflation.

All those illegals with social security number are probably paying taxes.

Yeah isn't it interesting how the government, despite its own laws against illegal immigration, and laws against fraud, is damn happy to take money that comes from illegals using often forged, stolen or temporary Social Security numbers. Makes me feel as if my SS# means nothing other than cash to the government for its damn escapades in the Middle East.
Because to me my SS# no longer represents my US citizenship. Only the Constitution and my heart do that. Neither of which are on the minds of this administration.

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