posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 08:50 AM
but israel buys the arms, american tax payers dont fund the cost.
Your actualy wrong there, from 1948 to 1997 (and its still ongoing) $84 BILLION of
financial aid (thats about 134 Billion in terms of what
taxpayers payed) was sent from the US to Israel, thats $14,630 per Israeli. In 2005 alone the number of financial aid was 2.6 Billion.
And thats just the Financial aid, the total aid, including military is somewhere close to 100 Billion.
Other then that, Israel is the only nation recieving AID that doesn't have to report to anyone what it spends all this cash on.
Also, you need to remember, 100 Billion aid for the US might not seem much while the US has 298 Million inhabitants, but Israel only has 6,352,117 of
which there are almost 20% Islamic arabs.
[edit on 22/7/06 by thematrix]
[edit on 22/7/06 by thematrix]