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Dr. Greer,

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posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 07:08 PM
Oh dear, where to begin? OK, I'm gonna throw something out here, based on many years of reading about the subject. I guess what got me thinking about this was the opening few pages of the book Majestic, by Whitley Streiber, where his character in the book speaks with his lawyer friend who advises him that the only way to get away with publishing such controversial information would be to release it as a work of fiction.

I have also repeatedly seen it stated (forgive me for not providing links, I read, absorb and read on) that the 'truth' is out there in plain sight. It is just so mixed up with outlandish and downright ridiculous claims (we've all read them!) that the average Joe with a passing interest in the subject sees something interesting, thinks to him/herself "Hmm, that would be worthy of further investigation" then ends up laughing at the 'loons' who blight this subject, never to revisit it, dismissing the whole thing as "Nonsense".

What if this is the intention? What if this is the whole plan? To have the genuine truth in plain sight mixed up with nonsense to discourage the majority from further investigation, and to promote ridicule? I suppose we could go a step further, and suggest that Dr. Greer has been told to make these outlandish claims to save his life. A bit melodramatic perhaps, but I hope I made the point.

And it's working. In this thread alone, many of you serious EBE believers are suddenly laughing and ridiculing Dr. Greer. Perfect, isn't it?

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 11:21 AM
Another day, another charlatan with a book to sell...

When will you people realize that THOSE WHO SELL STUFF DON'T HAVE THE TRUTH?

posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 02:12 PM
I would love to think that people are ready for disclosure............. but that is not the case.

Check out the thread called "Hannah Billips "abduction" on 'the edge'"

These people are a perfect example of those who cannot handle disclosure. If any one of them thought that their belief system were in question .....well, they would be capable of anything.

How can you have full disclosure in this generation when there are people on Earth with this mentality?>?

Can't happen. The best we can hope for is to get the next gen who are born to accept this from birth and then the next gen to get visual proof......... as we stand, there are too many zealots rdy for doomsday and capable of kool-aid type cults.



now next topic..............Dr. Greer.

Yes, his insane talk has not defiled the 400 or witnesses, but this is the person leading this crusade

Dr. Green can levitate and manipulate gravity???? HE IS intimately familiar with the wife of the head of the UN??????????????/ OK SURE. Levitate for us Dr. Greer............ plz and you will have millions of people following you and believing in this disclosure

seems silly to me without proof........ anyone else?


there are millions on Earth that will go totally focking batshat insane if there is ever proof that their belief system does not exist..........

MUSLIMS, and CHRISTIANS being the top belief systems on Earth and they seem to harbor extremists looking for their path to heaven..........

These POOR people are fighting a losing cause..........religeon is a joke, christ is a joke, and anything but pure love is folly

have fun,

admin edit: removed childish, censor circuventing, personal attacks on fellow Members.

[edit on 7-23-2006 by Springer]

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 10:08 AM
NOBODY wants "disclosure":
1. The government doesn't. If they did, they would tell all.
2. The aliens don't. If they did, it would be quite easy to show themselves.
3. The people don't. If they did there would be tremendous pressure put on the government. Try to organize a protest rally as did the illegals for immigration reform, the blacks for civil rights, etc. TRY IT! You'll find you have NO support!

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 04:15 PM
I have thought of rallying

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 09:10 PM
LOL well as the saying goes, the truth is far stranger than fiction!

The core explanation for all the really bizarre stuff, which you probably missed or glossed over, is that all Space, Time, Matter, Energy, Life, Consciousness, and God, while having the appearance of separateness and distinctness, are really all connected and unified and One in this sort of non-linear, non-local, and deeply and profoundly spiritual way. And, the physics of how that all works can eventually be discovered and you can actually develop non-linear, non-local technology and technology that interfaces directly with consciousness.

If this is true, and all the ramifications of this and what can actually be accomplished with this kind of technology - then what you have is a reality far more bizarre than anything in Star Wars or Star Trek or anything in science fiction!

But is it really so far out there? There have been reports of "psychic" phenomena - precognition, telepathy and empathy, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, astral projection, telekinesis (mind over matter, levitation etc) - all throughout history. And a non-local, All-are-One Universe would make all of that possible.

And there is more than mere anecdotal evidence - quantum physics research is starting to produce scientific evidence of these sorts of non-linear non-local phenomena as well.

I think the problem is that most people wouldn’t be able to handle being exposed to all these truths at once. I would imagine if the average person were brought aboard an ETV and shown all these “psychic” abilities and advanced technologies, it would be a lot like the scene in the Matrix, where Neo is shown the truth all at once and he nearly goes insane!

People need to learn things in degrees and stages. And that is likely one of the reasons why the ET’s don’t simply land and show themselves and all their psychic abilities and advanced tech – the resulting culture shock could severely damage and disrupt our civilization.

Originally posted by UareKRAZY
Ok, I bought this book and am VERY disappointed.


Problem 1. If he can summon an alien encounter whenever he wants........ well where is the freaking video???? Why did you even need to write this book? You could have just put this video on the internet and CASE CLOSED. Everyone on Earth believes in Aliens.

Problem 2. Same crap........why don't you levitate on video or at one of your lectures where many members of the press are present?

There's already loads of audio/video evidence on the internet.

The problem is, it never enters mainstream awareness, because all the mainstream media are corrupt and controlled and it gets filtered out.

Also, people can cry "Hoax!" for just about any A/V evidence. It was done with costumes and makeup and special effects and CGI, it's not Real!


I have gone from being super stoked about the disclosure project to now thinking that this person is laughable and yet ANOTHER phoney. Ya know.... Phoney after Phoney after Phoney and not ONE single solid form of PROOF of anything other worldly has me starting to think that THERE IS NOTHING OUT THERE!

The thing about Greer is, he has so much credibility in other areas besides the psychic/spiritual stuff. I mean, could some looney-tunes con artist become a medical doctor and head up a prestigious emergency department? Or assemble hundreds of credible military/corporate/intelligence volunteer whistleblowers?

I'm skeptical about the psychic stuff too, as anyone would be; but the sheer volume of evidence put forth by Greer and his team leads me to feel that he should at least be given a chance. What if they are telling the truth about the shadow government, the definitive solutions to the energy crisis being withheld from the world etc etc?

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 11:49 PM
To Millerman

Yeah I must say, given the fact that the machination of various powerful interest groups with secret agendas with black budget so enormous, can actually from the birth and inception of what is termed 'media', control these avenues to suppress but also guide the popular sentiments in the direction that achieves their agendas for world control is not at all that far fetched and given the plethora of evidence out there that the current 'media' is actually controlled by them suggests, what we see on the daily news and a current affair programs is at the expense of the real truths to which the masses are denied everyday.

I think that Dr Greers disclosure program has also been infiltrated to some extent by the powers that be that indicates CSETI is without a doubt influenced by religious elements that pokes its poisonous thorn into what is otherwise considered a credible approach to ET disclosure.

So seeing as the hurdle is mountainously set up against Dr Greers project, naturally the mainstream really has no clue about it's existence, thanks to the corrupt media outlets.

So all in all, you hit it right on the nail Millerman, some of the information may seem outlandish but truly who knows??? right??

But I should add, for those minions who secretly work against such projects as Dr Greers, surely they must also have mums, dads, uncles, unties, grandparents, children and friends. they are afterall human beings with all the attributes, characteristics and qualities that make up one, then in all conscience, how can they brush aside their own responsibilities for their own families at least to simply do as they are told by their superiors in the name of National security when they are smart enough to know that firstly it's not about national security but about some powerful groups of people serving their own magalomaniacal agendas which has nothing to do with altruistic benevolence for all.

anyway good post man.


posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by millerman
LOL well as the saying goes, the truth is far stranger than fiction!

The core explanation for all the really bizarre stuff, which you probably missed or glossed over, is that all Space, Time, Matter, Energy, Life, Consciousness, and God, while having the appearance of separateness and distinctness, are really all connected and unified and One in this sort of non-linear, non-local, and deeply and profoundly spiritual way. And, the physics of how that all works can eventually be discovered and you can actually develop non-linear, non-local technology and technology that interfaces directly with consciousness.

I'm skeptical about the psychic stuff too, as anyone would be; but the sheer volume of evidence put forth by Greer and his team leads me to feel that he should at least be given a chance. What if they are telling the truth about the shadow government, the definitive solutions to the energy crisis being withheld from the world etc etc?

Thank you millerman! I couldn't have said better. By keeping an open mind, you can explain some of the unusual stuff M. Greer experienced.

I'm also wondering why no video or pictures of encounters where taken and presented so far. But i don't hold grudge against him, because no amount of pictures or videos will be enough for some of you.

I bought the book and was very satisfied by it. I salute M. Greer and his effort in trying to bring the truth out, and for having the guts to explain in detail all the experience he had.

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 02:27 PM
Hey, anything is possible right?

Let's say that the good DR. Can actually do the things he said he did, this must mean that he is possibly an alien hybrid. Why would a grown man, a M.D. Claim such stuff? I don't know, I am confused

Or he could just be one more tool used by the US government to spread disinfo. He has probably gotten the order to weird out the info, in order to make it more laughable and ridiculous. I think that this might be the end of the Disclosure Project, as we know it.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Cabanman
Hey, anything is possible right?

Let's say that the good DR. Can actually do the things he said he did, this must mean that he is possibly an alien hybrid. Why would a grown man, a M.D. Claim such stuff? I don't know, I am confused

Or he could just be one more tool used by the US government to spread disinfo. He has probably gotten the order to weird out the info, in order to make it more laughable and ridiculous. I think that this might be the end of the Disclosure Project, as we know it.

My thoughts, pretty much to a T.

Why would a man of such positions declare this, if it were a hoax?

Perhaps, indeed, this is another conspiracy on our hands. Disclosure Project did spark some cause for concern in the government. Perhaps they have "dealt with it", and this is part of it all.


I'd be interested to know when this book was published. How far after the Disclosure Project?

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:48 AM
I personnally don't give a flying you know what about any human on this planet that is so fearfull of knowledge that they would willfully suppress it and pretend it's not there or real. Frankly, nothing would please me more than these fanatical dimwits going complete ape# over the proof that their beliefs are utter garbage, resulting in them throwing themselves to their overdue death off of the nearest steeple, mosque, etc. In fact, if there is any truth to the illuminati conspiracy of planning to wipe out large portions of our population, i can think of no better way than immediate disclosure. It would take care of the better part of backwards humanity that still base their meaningless lives on worshipping imaginary deities (as of year 2000- 33% christians, 19% muslims,13% hindus, an earth cleansing 65%, yee haw!) All offense purely and actively intentional.
Now as far as Dr. Greer goes, it was obvious to me at the onset that the man was sincere, however, there seems to be no recent progress, and, he is currently doing laps in Streiber's cookoo pool. Nuts? Maybe. Perhaps all the stuff he experienced in his investigations has affected him adversly. The claims of black op involvement in his illness doesn't strike me as all that far fetched. The other obvious bushwah may be a defense mechanism he's using to make these "dark forces" think he's crazy, so they give up on him and his family.
Or, he is bloody wingnut in the league of David Icke.


posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 12:02 PM
I have plans to meet with him in september for a CSeti training session, If all goes as planned. I'll let you guys know how it goes, and hopefully this will answer a few questions this community has.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 04:35 PM
That's great! Definitely let us know how your meeting with him goes.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:21 PM
I just want to know one thing about Greer. Is he a freemason?

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:39 PM
Disclosure of what ? Aliens, UFO's or Intelligent life ? the sheeple dont want it because it would distract them from their iPods, Football, Weekenders, Big Screen TV's, Reality Show's ad infinitum. Forget wholesale mainstream disclosure because the human race generally is unworthy in its present materialistic, warmongering state. I just hope when the Globalist's are finally overthrown ( in 2 or 3 generations) that our great great grand children have surpassed us morally and intellectually to be able to grasp the importance of interdimensional life forms.


posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Navin R Johnson
That's great! Definitely let us know how your meeting with him goes.

9 Days till the big trip. I'm so excited

I will bring to the good ATS members everything i can share as soon as the CSeti training is over and all the material i will be allowed to share here, cause my main goal is to educate people.


posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth
Disclosure of what ? Aliens, UFO's or Intelligent life ? the sheeple dont want it because it would distract them from their iPods, Football, Weekenders, Big Screen TV's, Reality Show's ad infinitum. Forget wholesale mainstream disclosure because the human race generally is unworthy in its present materialistic, warmongering state. I just hope when the Globalist's are finally overthrown ( in 2 or 3 generations) that our great great grand children have surpassed us morally and intellectually to be able to grasp the importance of interdimensional life forms.

As Timothy Good said last night on Radio. Stay Healhty

Disclosure will happend in this generation my friend. But maybe not the way we expect it to happend.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:04 AM
I haven't read Dr. Greers book, but going by what the Original poster has stated regarding the Book and Dr.Greers claims, then it sounds quite possible that Dr.Greer has been beaten down. Somebody somewhere, be it Alien of Human could have him by the short and curlies and has had him release this book in an effort to discredit himself and the Disclosure movement.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 11:49 AM
Who's to say some folks don't get 'reprogrammed'. It happens in movies all the time... your buddy gets bundled off by the MIB & comes back all shiny & new. Or lobotomised.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 11:58 AM
Surely all witnesses in the Disclosure Project cannot be discredited I mean there wa salot of them with true wholesome stories that sounded pretty damn real to me.

Just because greer was the one to get the Disclosure Project going means nothing of teh witnesses unless of course each individual can be discredited.

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