posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 11:39 PM
911 truth takeover of the internet
9/11 truth is taking over the internet. Well not all the internet anyway. I've come up with a plan to spread the truth about 9/11 to millions of
people but it will involve a collective effort by everyon who knows the truth about 9/11. The plan is to spread the truth about 9/11 by posting
information on as many message boards, blogs, chat rooms, and email lists as possible. I've come up with a list of information that you can post.
Feel free to change anything if you have something to add or see something wrong. we need everyone to post this information on as many forums and
chat rooms as possible. Our future and our freedom could very well depend on this information getting out. Thanks for you support.
Please visit my blog at for regular updates
Free online 9/11 Videos
Alex Jones new video about the history of state sponsered terrorism
Martial Law 911 Rise of the Police State
3 hour video covering 9/11, the police state, and the NWO
911 The Road to Tyrrany
Alex Jones original 9/11 video
Loose Change 2nd Editon
Dylan Avery's 911 documentory. Covers everything you need to know about 9/11
video clips
New York firemen discuss collapse nof WTC
WTC collapse
Larry Silverstein admitting that he pulled building 7. keep in mind it takes days to wire a building for demolition. But magicly they were able to do
it on 9/11 in just a few hours.
Alex Jones interviews actor Charlie Sheen who believes that the oficial 9/11 story is a fraud.