posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 06:03 PM
Another great you tube search is "George Bush rap" there's one which is about the third one down which has him in limo, drinking, and talking about
Katrina (amongst many other things). It sounds quite cheesy but it’s really very good.
Also "Iraq resistance" has turned up some interesting results. It's the real resistance video’s I find most interesting; of course anything
that's not authentic is an arrogant joke at Iraq's expense.
As for the state of the union address I would say the bit about giving every American three atomic bombs was a bit over the top. It's a bit too harsh
against America given that it’s DemoRep (the political system) we (along with the world) should really be united in hating.
So all considered I would give it marks 8 out of 10; particularly liked the bit about destroying treasured forest land. So thanks for showing the link
(glad to have seen it).
[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]