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Iran president says "The day of happiness for the region is near"

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posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:10 PM
Okay maybe someone can translate this lol, I do not completly understand what he means here. Doesnt sound to good eh?

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday, “The day of happiness for the region is near… The world is on the verge of great changes,” according to the Iranian news agency.

Day of happiness? Whats Iran got up its sleeve? Makes me worry when someone says thnigs so simply and straight forward in a case like this?

heres some more

Sorry if this is a repost I didnt see any up to date on post on here so i posted, my first one on this forum, so i am a noob. lol

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:43 PM
He's a babbling idiot..makes saddam seem like Einstein. Who knows what he means...every other day he is spouting out non-sensical rhetoric and nothing has ever come to show of it. *SNIP*

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[edit on 18/7/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
He's a babbling idiot..makes saddam seem like Einstein. Who knows what he means...every other day he is spouting out non-sensical rhetoric and nothing has ever come to show of it. I call BS. # Iran...i wish they would all die.

Wow, I see you feel strongly about this. But yeh we all have rights to our opinions.

So anyone else like to comment?

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
He's a babbling idiot..makes saddam seem like Einstein. Who knows what he means...every other day he is spouting out non-sensical rhetoric and nothing has ever come to show of it. *SNIP*

how long you been in nazi camp wishing death on a entire nation already

even so the source is a bit hiffy read through it properly ignorance isnt a good sign at ATS

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that "the Zionist government went too far and wants occupy Lebanon after failing to pressure Iran on the nuclear issue."

"They thought that occupying Lebanon is the easy part and this can open the door for more occupations, but they miscalculated yet again," the IRNA news agency quoted Ahmadinajad, who spoke in Tehran.

He accused Israel of using any excuse to attack and occupy, destroy infrastructure and "sow terror."

donesnt raelly look like BS

[edit on 18-7-2006 by bodrul]

Mod Edit: Quote Cleanup.

[edit on 18/7/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:51 PM
Looks like COMPLETE BS if you ask me. I hope Israel turns the whole region to glass...besides, this is the areas of the world where terrorism is being sowed...where its being funded, trained etc...where the guys who knocked down the twin towers came from. They can all burn in hell....and will soon.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:52 PM
i actually think we will see the big one evolve from this. I actually think he has a weapon system almost ready to lay some slap down on Israel. Stall the world for a few more months then watch as the nuclear sun rise wakes up tel aviv.

I actually deeply believe that mans mad enough to do such a thing, i really do.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:57 PM
I agree except for one point...i dont think he has to wait. Iran acquired two nuclear weapons from Kazakhstan back in the late 80's-early 90's. While that is only TWO, for a small state like Israel how many does he really need if he is pushed? Plus who knows if Iran has bought anything from cash strapped N. Korea.

Granted Iran will be annihilated if they strike Israel, i think they dont care. they're hatred for the "Zionists" is so deep they will adopt a scorched earth policy and detroy themselves if it means taking out Israel.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Looks like COMPLETE BS if you ask me. I hope Israel turns the whole region to glass...besides, this is the areas of the world where terrorism is being sowed...where its being funded, trained etc...where the guys who knocked down the twin towers came from. They can all burn in hell....and will soon.

are you sure you are in the right forum?
because last time i checked far right nut cases go to

do your research for heavens sake,
largests terrorists are funded from the united states whcih supports terrorists to push ist own agenda for its needs and when they ahev done their job they are let lose and wrek havoc on other nations.
so should the US be nuked? since it did create the largest terror cell on the planet far greater then that of iran and syria could ever do.

the guys who knocked down the twin towers were a group created by the same goverment your parents/friends and so on voted into protect you and your country created to fight their enemy on a second front so (afgan) against the soviets.

in future use your brain and do some research

whole point of ATS is to use facts and deny ignorance

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by GSA
i actually think we will see the big one evolve from this. I actually think he has a weapon system almost ready to lay some slap down on Israel. Stall the world for a few more months then watch as the nuclear sun rise wakes up tel aviv.

I actually deeply believe that mans mad enough to do such a thing, i really do.

Iran has for decades the capibility to strike and cause havoc on Israel
it has hundreds bio/chemical weapons which it can use on israel
it also has a large stock pile of missile that can reduce israel to rubbles thanks to the size of the country/state.

people really have to start using their heads here

and read other topics about Iran on ats as things like this have been discussed thousends of times

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:05 PM
OMG this is horried, the Nazi's helped the arabs in exchange for finding jews in the region at the time.

This is a CIA group we are talking abotu here, you can tell they are by looking into the history of CIA operations in the region, its just all gone to hell actually. %%%% THE CIA.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:05 PM
And who are you to say what we can and cannot discuss??

Dont like it? simple - dont read pr post.

I hate people like you who think they can dictate to others what to say or do -Every one is allowed to air a view, even if we disagree with it. You are no different, so dont push people around!!

Now, back to iran and Israel.

I say its coming, and very soon.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz
OMG this is horried, the Nazi's helped the arabs in exchange for finding jews in the region at the time.

and you can back this up
usualy when someone makes such statement they back it up unless its a well known fact

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:07 PM
Israel also has the most effective counter measures to Chemical weapons than any other nation. They cant counter nukes. Plus with chem/bio warfare the effects are not always immediate...and all Israel needs is a few minutes to deliver a devastating counter punch with about 3-400 nukes delivered all over Iran/Syria and whomever else.

With nukes being used on israel, they might not have that precious 5 minute window to counterattack as the effects are devestating and immediate.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:11 PM
double post

[edit on 18-7-2006 by bodrul]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by GSA
And who are you to say what we can and cannot discuss??

Dont like it? simple - dont read pr post.

I hate people like you who think they can dictate to others what to say or do -Every one is allowed to air a view, even if we disagree with it. You are no different, so dont push people around!!

Now, back to iran and Israel.

I say its coming, and very soon.

i dont like it when narrow minded individuals spraed hate like your self
and can advocate deaths of millions
if i see a topic/reply like yours i will intervine

you want an adult covo go ahead you want a childish one good luck on this board

i swear most of your replies go against terms and conditions on this board

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Israel also has the most effective counter measures to Chemical weapons than any other nation. They cant counter nukes. Plus with chem/bio warfare the effects are not always immediate...and all Israel needs is a few minutes to deliver a devastating counter punch with about 3-400 nukes delivered all over Iran/Syria and whomever else.

sure they do they can swat every missile thrown at them

[edit on 18-7-2006 by bodrul]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by bodrul

Originally posted by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz
OMG this is horried, the Nazi's helped the arabs in exchange for finding jews in the region at the time.

and you can back this up
usualy when someone makes such statement they back it up unless its a well known fact

Iranians were strongly connected to the Holocaust and the Hitler regime, as was the entire Islamic world under the leadership of the mufti of Jerusalem.

Ever watch any WW2 documentrys???

Better yet there are books all about what happen in the persia and the middle east when the hitler regime was all over the place.

[edit on 18-7-2006 by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
# Iran...i wish they would all die.

I could imagine your outrage, 'princeofpeace,' if I were to say to you, right now; '# Israel, I hope they all die.' You would call me a Racist, an Anti-Semite, a Nazi, and all manner of other fantastic titles, would you not?

Well, I'll tell you what: I'll push the boat out a bit, and say # Israel right here, but I certainly don't wish any of them to perish. Can't we just give Olmert and his goons 100 Public lashes, each, and then paint Tel Aviv bright Yellow? Perhaps that will not be enough for the ransacked, supressed, and distraught Palestinian and Lebanese, and quite frankly, i wouldn't blame them if it wasn't.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz

Iranians were strongly connected to the Holocaust and the Hitler regime, as was the entire Islamic world under the leadership of the mufti of Jerusalem.

Ever watch any WW2 documentrys???

yes and i studied history and never came to this
nor have i seen anything about it in books about ww2 (i will give a longer reply later past 2am and i am shatterd)

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
He's a babbling idiot..makes saddam seem like Einstein. Who knows what he means...every other day he is spouting out non-sensical rhetoric and nothing has ever come to show of it.

What planet do you live on? Nothing to show for it? People are getting killed all over Israel and Lebanon because of this "babbling idiot."

Sorry, I find absolutely nothing about Iran idiotic in terms of execution, they seem very smart, very cunning, and very calculated. I think the Baghdad Bob routine is intentional, he doesn't want anyone to take him seriously. While his words never make sense, his actions are crystal clear when executed.

I think people need to wake up, because there is nothing about Iran that leaves the impression of stupidity. 1500 boats with heavy machine guns, anti-tank guns, mortars, and mine laying capability serviced by 50,000 dedicated maniacs willing to die on demand in shutting down the Gulf. 2000 specialists in terror campaigns. Brigade sized units dedicated to irregular warfare with modern technology. Underground bunkers that require man on the ground attack to root out. The second largest Naval mine arsonal in the world. The list goes on and on...

Hell nevermind whatever hit the Israeli warship hit, Iran gave Hezbollah a $100,000 C-802 anti-ship missile and launcher that sank an Egyptian freighter. That is a pretty expensive weapon donation. If they are willing to give terrorists tens of thousands of rockets and high tech missiles, why not a nuke, after all while the entire world knows Iran is behind Hezbollah's actions, the 9-11 commission report said they were instrumental in the 9-11 attacks, not to mention Iran completely supported the Kholar Towers bombings, but nobody has ever done squat to Iran for thier actions.

Why should Iran be worried now? They aren't worried. I expect US warships to be attacked by Hezbollah once they arrive, after all, Iran knows they can freely kill Americans in a warzone, take the praise for it, and have nothing happen to them for it.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
yes and i studied history and never came to this
nor have i seen anything about it in books about ww2 (i will give a longer reply later past 2am and i am shatterd)

Well seems you did not study enough, if you were studying the Western front and eastern front, you probally missed the northern (I am shatterd to lol i think I mean southern) front. The more you learn the more you understand you dont know.

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