posted on May, 2 2016 @ 07:44 PM
There hasn't been much action on this question for quite sometime and given recent events (as of May 02/2016) I'm chiming in. First off I'd like to
dispel any notion that God makes mistakes, spelling or otherwise and that the Bible is for reference only and not a literal depiction of future
events. 2 Peter 1:20 states; "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." In other words, biblical
prophesy is what it says and not open for us to determine whether it should be taken seriously or not.
As to whether or not the Bible is purely historical, in part it is. There's nothing wrong with archeology using the Bible to determine past events in
Biblical regions and even on a global scale. You may want to also consider this; the Bible is a record of the history for the entire world from start
to finish, we are now just playing the script out.
Now back to your original question, read Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 for a complete break down of the attack coming from the North against Israel.
Understand this has not yet come as two of the players mentioned, who are working as allies against Israel have at no time in history allied with
each other (Magog and Persia - Russia and Iran today) for any reason until recently. Also understand that at no time in history have we seen Saudi
Arabia and Egypt come to any kind of defense of Israel at the same time.
From here, consider Isaiah chapter 17 which talks of the destruction of Damascus and then determine for yourself whether this has ever happened to
Damascus before. The main thing to remember is that even the most astute Biblical prophesy researcher will tell you that the stage can be set and then
cleared just as quickly leaving you scratching your head. When events that appear to support prophesy arise then fade, don't take this as the Bible
being inaccurate, the Bible never gives a timeline apart from saying things like; "In the end times or last days". What these events should do for you
is further your resolve to know more and be ready because these events will continue to happen and will increase in frequency and intensity as we draw
closer to the return of Jesus as was talked about in Matthew chapter 24.
What you need to know is that if you are willing to accept Jesus as your saviour, these times are not for you to fear, these times are for you to
prepare yourself for his return and to tell others about Jesus so they to can be ready, John 3:16 tells us that God loved the world so much that he
sent Jesus to die for our sins and that who ever believes will not perish but have everlasting life. Hell is not for humans, it's a place that God
prepared specifically for Satan and his angels, God does not want us to go there but he can't make us choose, that's up to us and from what I can
tell, it takes a lot of effort on our parts to die and wind up there. Jesus is the easy choice when you consider how long eternity actually is!