posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 01:05 AM
...hate dentists...don't go unless its like becoming a life or death (or loss of vision) situation due to their tranqs don't work on
me. Meh...just one of those freaks who painkillers from dentists are ineffective...they can shoot my gums up all they want with injections and it
don't do squat. Can't take nitro either as that makes me puke my guts I just have to suck it up and take the pain.
Feck...last time I went to the Dentist he didn't believe me when I told him injections don't do shyte...after a few he figured "This guys mouth
must be sedated enough" and started going at it with one of them hardcore water drills...ya know the kind...the real painful buggers...and I could
feel it, burrowing and burning its way into my tooth, cutting up the nerves etc etc...just bloody lovely...near on ripped the arm-rest off the chair
in a desire to insert said armrest up said Dentists ring-piece...sideways...