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George Bush and 9-11

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posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 04:58 PM
On the news tonight, they did a story of how the US senate is getting impatient with the Bush adminastration for stone walling the 9-11 investigation.

They want the daily intelligence breifings released which they say will show Bush knew as much as 30 days in advance, that Bin ladin was planing to hijack and crash planes on US soil and he did absolutly nothing about it.

How do you like them apples!!!

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 05:00 PM
Well, of course the release of this info will be resisted, for at least another 28 years.

A conveniently placed fire and unprecedented savage worm in the NSA and CIA databases should solve the problem once and for all for Bush. Shouldn't it?

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 05:01 PM
I do like them apples,a nd with election day coming around the corner and the war in Iraq getting no better..........

I hope he continues to stonewall, creating more ire and suspicon, and distrust, and it blows up in his drooling simian face!

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by energy_wave
On the news tonight, they did a story of how the US senate is getting impatient with the Bush adminastration for stone walling the 9-11 investigation.

They want the daily intelligence breifings released which they say will show Bush knew as much as 30 days in advance, that Bin ladin was planing to hijack and crash planes on US soil and he did absolutly nothing about it.

How do you like them apples!!!

who is "They" exactly? those who are on a witchhunt because of political affiliation or those who want the truth? would "they" be the same people who lie to us to keep themselves in office? would "they" be the same ones who vote to give themselves raises at OUR expense? would "they" be the same people who are trying to boost support for their own agendas by pretending/acting to be acting in the best interests of the people when they really arent?

"they" are no different from those they witchhunt but fool some of us into thinking they are.

they are all the same regardless of the party they belong to.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey

Originally posted by energy_wave
On the news tonight, they did a story of how the US senate is getting impatient with the Bush adminastration for stone walling the 9-11 investigation.

They want the daily intelligence breifings released which they say will show Bush knew as much as 30 days in advance, that Bin ladin was planing to hijack and crash planes on US soil and he did absolutly nothing about it.

How do you like them apples!!!

who is "They" exactly? those who are on a witchhunt because of political affiliation or those who want the truth? would "they" be the same people who lie to us to keep themselves in office? would "they" be the same ones who vote to give themselves raises at OUR expense? would "they" be the same people who are trying to boost support for their own agendas by pretending/acting to be acting in the best interests of the people when they really arent?

"they" are no different from those they witchhunt but fool some of us into thinking they are.

they are all the same regardless of the party they belong to.

r u suggesting reverting back to a "survival of the fittest" program??

surely there's more to it that you would like to admit monkey

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 05:22 PM
just like they took out literally tons of evidence that was being held in the WTC's, thus covering up several HUGE money scandals....

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Cyrus
r u suggesting reverting back to a "survival of the fittest" program??

surely there's more to it that you would like to admit monkey

no what i'm suggesting is not believing the hype given to us by politicians who lie to us and then pretend to be our friends when it suits their needs.

i want "the truth" but whatever that may be, not what i want it to be or what i think it is. however i dont want known liars and thieves to attain it for me and then spoonfeed me what they want me to know to fit their goals and agendas. which in this case is to "prove" soemthing that may not even be true.

it is easy to prove your case when you use half truths and change the context of things. politicians (many of them lawyers i might add) are masters of manipulation.

i question their motives, furthermore i question what information if any will be given to us. will it be in its entirety? will we know if they are giving us the WHOLE truth and giving us all the evidence there is? i doubt it.\

they will do whatever it takes for THEIR party to get the upperhand in thr government and the rest of us are damned to to do anything about it as long as the majority of people in this country buy into their bull# over and over.

THIS is what i'm suggesting. politicians are a disease and have turned the government into a cancer/their personal warzone. to fight the other party.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 07:45 PM
Interesting link about bush

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:15 PM
wow.. thats crazy for Bush to have ignored that much!

Originally posted by energy_wave
Interesting link about bush

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:35 PM

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