posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 06:45 AM
Luckily I'm a librarian and have online access to the times, I'm afraid I can't breach copyright by posting the article but the person who found it
on microfische has the same one.
Most interesting is that I find no mention of the Monongahela sinking. The article concerning the capture was written on the boat by the captain and
sent to the Times aboard another boat the "Gipsy" under Captain Sturges.
I've found numerous other refrences to the Monongahela but none of it returning to port or being wrecked, neither can I find any reports on Cpt.
Sturges. Neither are there follow up reports about the monster.
A ship called the Monongahela existed.
Someone claiming to be Captain Sturges of the Gipsy claimed to have encountered the Monongahela and taken a letter from its captain to the Times.
As the Times does not continue the story it is impossible to assertain any other facts regarding the sea serpant or its capture, nor is it possible to
asscertain wether it went down with the ship, or wether the ship itself went down.
Certainly ships called the Monongahela are reported later that year but it is impossible to conclude wether these are the same ships that encountered
the monster.
Similarly, Captain Seabury existed but is never tied to the Monongahela exept in this article, so whether he is a creation by sturges ( who may also
be a creation of another hoaxer ) or simply one amoungst many Seabury's ( a fairly common name for a seafarer ) cannot be substantiated.
Certainly the Times carries no subsequent articles on the creature arriving at port.
hope that helps.