posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 11:37 AM
I have 32 web client publisher temporary files that disk cleanup can not get rid of.
At first when I ran disk cleanup from system tools it would just set there so I then began running it and deleting one thing at a time, it worked and
then when I got to the web client publisher temp. files it would not let me delete them though I tried many times. I did hit the tab more info and
noticed that when I clicked windows on the left side some of the files that showed up were highlighted in blue, I am assuming these are the files,
should I go through and delete as many as the system will alow or is there another option. I have deleted all the temp files through tools, internet
option, including history, but nothing seems to be working.
Since I do not really know enough about the computer system to safely be deleting things, I really need some advice. I have windows XP. TIA