posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 05:30 PM
The trigger will be another terrorist attack..
Let's pretend for the sake of my post that another terrorist attack occurs..
We get attacked, by whoever, whether it be our government or not..
The Patriot Act gets restored, and made legal. Martial Law is imposed in the United States. Concentration camps that Halliburton is currently working
on are opened and anti-Bush protestors and "terrorists" are tossed in, without trial. A North American Union is born, this will happen for sure. The
Constitution is trashed, thus, allowing Bush to be "re-elected". A North American Union constitution is written, possibly with no term limits, no
freedoms, no liberties, and allows complete militarization of the Union. Smaller scale terrorist attacks occur in Canada and Mexico. This provides
justification for U.S. troops since the United States would provide the military for the North American Union. This presence is basically an
occupation. These terrorist attacks force Canada and Mexico to give up their borders. The United States takes over full control of all three
countries. Bush is president of the North American Union. All three lands become a dictatorship. Resources are taken advantage of. Our Union, country,
whatever, becomes richer. We throw all of our money into the military, while the middle class gets destroyed, and the poor become even poorer. Our
military becomes even stronger, and with no constitution or laws to follow, every country becomes a target. World War III starts. New World Order sets
in. Game Over..