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Reagan admits he's the Anti-Christ

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posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

Originally posted by Colonel
...he most certainly thought he was evil as I continually claim....FFFIIIIRRREEEEE. Burning! It's hot!

well thanks for your wonderful CRAP , which is simply called PROPAGANA that came outta your as$.

Don't get mad at me b/c repugnants are going to Hell. Change your ways. Leave the Spirit of Cain aside.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Even if one felt bad, who would admit that they were the anti-christ if he didn't truly believe it? Even if the statement wasn't true, he most certainly thought he was evil as I continually claim....FFFIIIIRRREEEEE. Burning! It's hot!

its called using an anology or a euphamism to describe how you feel about something. i guess you've never done that ever in your life huh?

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

Don't get mad at me b/c repugnants are going to Hell. Change your ways. Leave the Spirit of Cain aside.

like i said on a previous topic where i shoveled the truth down your throat, (the DRAFT topic) you, Colonel are the repugnant one

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:30 PM
Truth is burning ya, huh? Its like acid to you.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:38 PM
This thread inspired me to change my avatar.

Liberals will do anything to paint Reagan differently. This movie is propaganda and CBS should be sued for defamation, or something.

This just like the FICTIONAL scene in the movie about AIDS - which was a total LIE.

The people behind this movie should be ashamed of themselves!

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:47 PM

SHAME on you! Shame shame shame.

If anything could get you a ticket into the hot seat it's gotta be a DNC button and creating this thread.

what a shame.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Valhall

SHAME on you! Shame shame shame.

If anything could get you a ticket into the hot seat it's gotta be a DNC button and creating this thread.

what a shame.


posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:52 PM
link ever wonder why a man who committed adultry & then married his mistress, and was asleep behind the wheel for his whole second term, leaving the country in the hands of folks nobody voted for & his wife....raise him up to sainthood


Hilary Clinton get bedeviled!?!

Go figure!

The CBS TV movie is from a biography on Reagan. So, go after the biographer for slamming the O' Holy Ronnie Raygun!
But then again, these are the same folks who swear to Beejeebus that W.Bush style tax cuts in the early 80's caused the boom of the mid 90's!

And yes, Reagan did view AIDS in a religious morality context, that's well documented.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:59 PM
But, BT, you know the 'left' will do anything to rewrite Reagan history, that's well documented

(and the AIDS nonsense in the movie is total CRAP, CBS admits it even, yet they're going to probably air it, it's sad.)

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 01:02 PM

Repugnants are going to Hell

True...but the Dummycrats will be busy shovelling coal into the firepits, and keeping the pilot lit!

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 01:02 PM
Please see this thread, repugnants, so you can see the truth. You can't deny it.

[Edited on 27-10-2003 by Colonel]

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 01:10 PM
We we young and impressionable kids - so someone who stand up there and hit those patriotic scripted lines like that was all that we needed.
Reagan was a mediocre president on par with Carter, who delivered the bulk of good to his main constituency - the top 5% of the wealthy.

"On May 31, 1987, President Ronald Reagan gave a speech to the American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR) awards dinner. During that speech, the audience booed Reagan at least three times. Reagan - the man known as the Great Communicator - failed to persuade an audience. This failure was rooted in his constant use of one narrative - the myth of America and everyday American heroes - to communicate and persuade. The story of AIDS was not amenable to this form, and Reagan did not adapt to his topic and his audience. " - John Lynch

"Harsher congressional criticism of Reagan's address came from a member of his own party: ''This peril that confronts the nation is not comprised of words,'' said Sen. Lowell Weicker, ranking Republican on the Senate appropriations subcommittee that oversees acquired immune deficiency syndrome research.

''It's comprised of very complex viruses and a medical mystery that nobody has been able to unlock, and it ain't going to be unlocked by the speech in Philadelphia by the president,'' Weicker said.

Speaking to reporters following the president's speech Wednesday, Weicker said, ''The most damaging piece of deception as far as the president is concerned is that he says, 'I'm asking for $100 million more in AIDS research.'

''That sounds very good until you hear that he is asking for a $600 million cut in the funds to go to the National Institutes of Health for basic biomedical research. The net of all that is he has cut $500 million for AIDS.''

Again, not anywhere near a great President. And I voted for him once, so the betrayal is personal, thus the research is thorough.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Please see this thread, repugnants, so you can see the truth. You can't deny it.

[Edited on 27-10-2003 by Colonel]

The reason cain was condemned was because he murdered his brother.

since i never murdered my brother, i'm still here kicking dem's asses.

you want hell?
hell is trying to listen to al gore speak.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
But, there was talk at the time and who knows what was said in private---except for the guys that did the research.

Hmm. Gives new meaning to the word private does it not?

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 08:49 PM
It couldn't just be that he was talking metaphorically at all? That is pretty damn possible, it could have been taken out of context. I mean, If i am talking about how i am god, that doesn't mean i really ment it. I could have been talking about how i was god at a game, as in i kicked ass...that is a logical way to look at it.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 12:27 PM
Reagan has Alzheimer's Disease. He's too incapacitated to know what he's talking about.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 12:57 AM
Reagan's not the anti-christ...he is a traitor to his country for violating the constitution and waging a private war in Nicaragua, though.
What he did was feed the exchange of guns and drugs to wage war and overthrow a democratically elected sovereign nation while illegally arming Saddam and friends with WMD.
Nice guy huh.
He also expoused family values and morality while cheating on his first wife.
He wrapped himself in the flag even though he was a notorious draft dodger.
He "named names" for Joe McCarthy in the fifties blackballing several writer, actors and producers even though they was no conclusive evidence ever produced.
He presided over the highest rate of inflation and job loss since Hoover (Though Shrub appears to be closing in).
He lays claims to beating communism in Russia where, in fact, all he did was to increase our defense spending into the stratoshpere untill we "outspent" the Russian communist economy (which was never designed for a cold war enviroment.),
He destroyed the labor unions in the airline and automotive industry and presided over the largest income division in American history. Actually that was until Billy-boy stepped to the plate.

No, he's not the anti-christ...he's just another in a long line of corporate-serving-whores pretending to act in the public's interest.

F**k em all...

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 01:01 AM
CBS just cancelled the Reagan miniseries. So much for so-called liberal media.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 01:07 AM
I think Voice of Doom covered all the important things with his post. I would like to mention a few things myself.

Reagan wasn't the Anti-Christ. He was just a charismatic man who made the uneducated Blue Collar workers in our country feel proud at a time when Russia was knocking on our door and our economy was in the crapper.

My grandfather was a union lawyer here in NJ, good man who knew a lot of low people in high places if you catch my drift. He once told me that, when Geraldine Ferraro visisted their union meeting during the '84 campaign, that he asked everyone who they were voting for and they all said Raegan.

Why? He asked.

"Because he makes us feel proud to be an American."

I don't think I'll ever understand that. He broke the airline workers union and they named an airport after him. He traded arms for hostages with Iran and people treat him like a hero. He claimed Ketchup was a vegetable and therefore counted against school lunches.

Anti Christ? No.

World's most charismatic liar and mass-manipulator?

You betcha.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 01:11 AM
Truth be told I am the anti-christ, I can't take hiding the truth anymore, the aliens which reside in my body are really the demons of hell.

They prefer brown haired brown eyed vessels.

HAHAHA sorry i couldn't resist

[Edited on 4-11-2003 by Lysergic]

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