posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 11:58 AM
I'm new so hopefully this discussion hasn't been talked about recently. but whats the deal with forcing vaccines on people, and forcing people to
get medical treatments for non contagious diseases. For example there's a 16 year old boy who doesn't want to do chemo therapy anymore on the news
this morning, and the state government has stepped into stop him from going to alternate healthcare. he's going to attemtp to try herbal suppliments
from mexico. his parents say he's old enough to make his own medical decisions. Why is the government even involved. Hospitals really seem to be
scarier and scarier latley.
I heard on a radio program about a year ago, that florida forces extra vaccines on kids for public school. I believe california may have done the
same thing, can anyoen direct me towards the autism and vaccines rates for california?
Do hospitals really have an adjenda for making people sicker so they make more money? Seems like were all living longer with medical care, or is it
due to more health awareness?
I sold vacuums for 9 years door to door, some of the cleanest houses had the sickes most allergy ridden kids. I'm starting to believe we all need a
little dirt to be truly healthy.