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9/11 Conspiracy Questions

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posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:16 AM
I've heard every once in a while some people think the events of 9/11 were a big conspiracy. Although, I have no idea why cause I'm new to the ideas behind the thought. I looked at the questions behind the plane crashing into the Pentagon so I can see where people are coming from there. But before I get into my own thoughts and opinions on that I got some questions.

1. If the Bush Administration had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, why didn't we act on the evidence?
2. Why would the Bush Administration have prior knowledge?
3. Why would the events of 9/11 be orchestrated by the Bush Administration?
4. Why would Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda claim responsibility of the attacks if the Bush Administration orchestrated it?
5. Why wouldn't the Bush Administration say it had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks if it did even if it was little?
6. What would the Bush Administration gain if it did orchestrated the 9/11 attacks?

I think that's all I got for now. Thanks ahead of time for filling me in on all this.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:31 AM
Read the 1st link in my sig, All those questions can be answered by reading the mountain of evidence Killtown put together.

I was just going to copy and paste some stuff for ya,but its better if you just read... Providing you actually want to learn something.


Actually just go here man..

A ton of info there..

I am still waiting for someone to debunk some of this and havent yet, so its pretty good to stand up to anyone.

[edit on 7/13/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 07:50 AM
Start at

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Thanatos 117
I've heard every once in a while some people think the events of 9/11 were a big conspiracy. Although, I have no idea why cause I'm new to the ideas behind the thought. I looked at the questions behind the plane crashing into the Pentagon so I can see where people are coming from there. But before I get into my own thoughts and opinions on that I got some questions.

1. If the Bush Administration had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, why didn't we act on the evidence?
2. Why would the Bush Administration have prior knowledge?
3. Why would the events of 9/11 be orchestrated by the Bush Administration?
4. Why would Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda claim responsibility of the attacks if the Bush Administration orchestrated it?
5. Why wouldn't the Bush Administration say it had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks if it did even if it was little?
6. What would the Bush Administration gain if it did orchestrated the 9/11 attacks?

I think that's all I got for now. Thanks ahead of time for filling me in on all this.

1. A larger group of which they are party planned it.... PNAC.
2. See answer one.
3. They were ocrhestrated by the PNAC as a "New Pearl Harbor" to "catalyze" the opinion of the American public behind their agenda to establish "full spectrum dominance", "foreward operating bases worldwide", "Pre-emptive strike policy", The Patriot act, Big money, domination. Check out the PNAC website and the document "Rebuilding America''s Defenses".
4. Did they? All we saw was a single video of a guy that looks kind of like Osama claiming responsibility. Even if it was him in the vid. why not claim responsibility and be an ALL STAR in your "posse"
5. Liability? Ruins the cover story.
6. See 3.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 08:17 AM
This is as good a time and thread as any to run through a "gut check" on the generalized conspiracy theories related to your questions. I can understand your confusion and reluctance. A great deal of "9/11 conspiracy" speculation on the Internet revolves around extraordinary claims and hard-to-fathom conclusions based on tenuous (at best) evidence.

But there are many common threads among even the most outlandish theories, and they apply nicely to your questions:

1. If the Bush Administration had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, why didn't we act on the evidence?
The most commonly reoccurring reason among conspiracy theorists is that the post-attack environment would be more favorable to certain nefarious plans, and provide a means to accelerate such plans as a "police state", increased military spending, and a rationale to devise a plan to engage Iraq in war.

2. Why would the Bush Administration have prior knowledge?
If there were agents or groups within the administration that had planned the events of 9/11, then certainly there would be prior knowledge. Additionally, a common thought is very similar to what we now know about the attack on Perl Harbor, we knew it was coming through intelligence but allowed it to happen as a means to enter the war.

3. Why would the events of 9/11 be orchestrated by the Bush Administration?
See our content on Operation Northwoods. The operation was presented to the Joint Chiefs as a plan for covert US operatives to hijack civilian aircraft, pose as extremist terrorists, and use the aircraft as weapons to attack civilian targets. The plan was devised a pretext to ignite a war with a foreign nation.

4. Why would Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda claim responsibility of the attacks if the Bush Administration orchestrated it?
Within some conspiracy theory circles, there is some doubt about the validity of Osama's claim of responsibility. His visual appearance appears unusually different in one of the videos used as evidence of his making this claim. Also, within conspiracy speculation, it's not a difficult stretch to consider that Osama is playing his role in a complicated game of multiple groups and complex political alliances.

5. Why wouldn't the Bush Administration say it had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks if it did even if it was little?
In some minor ways, it did. The 9/11 Commission report outline some key tidbits of knowledge that, if properly assembled by the non-cooperative intelligence agencies, may have provided enough information to properly anticipate the attacks. However, within conspiracy circles, this breakdown in cooperation between intelligence agencies was devised expressly to avoid the successful analysis of pre-9/11 intelligence.

6. What would the Bush Administration gain if it did orchestrated the 9/11 attacks?
The New World Order

The "NWO", a socialist ideal of a one-world government police-state, has long been a type of "grand unification conspiracy theory", and many long-term conspiracy theorists speculate it is the long-standing end game of nearly every major event since the Nixon administration. There are several items to consider:

1) The attacks inspired the Department of Homeland Security and "police state" styled evolution

2) The attacks required increased spending on military and intelligence agencies

3) The attacks inspired controversial follow-up military action

4) The US follow-up military action (Iraq) was contrary to UN decisions, and has not been successful

5) Our international "political capital" is suffering now more than ever, while the UN is increasing

The "long term" conspiracy theorist (not someone who became curious about conspiracies because of 9/11) sees the 9/11 attacks as an important trigger event that is acting as an accelerant and creating an environment that is favorable to bringing about the fabled and feared "New World Order". For those power-players working to make that happen, there is much to gain.

I hope that summarizes the basics for you.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
The "long term" conspiracy theorist (not someone who became curious about conspiracies because of 9/11) sees the 9/11 attacks as an important trigger event that is acting as an accelerant and creating an environment that is favorable to bringing about the fabled and feared "New World Order". For those power-players working to make that happen, there is much to gain

Good post SkeptickOverlord.

I do not necessarily make the NWO --> PNAC connection in my mind I guess. Simply because the PNAC is very open about their agenda and the Illuminatti does not exactly have a document like "Rebuilding America's Defenses" outlining their agenda for the public to view.

I see the PNACs grand plan clearly but have not read enough to see an even grander plan to which their part is a sub-plot so to speak.

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 02:20 PM
““In the big lie there is always a certain force
of credibility; because the broad masses of a
nation are always more easily corrupted
…they more readily fall victims to the big lie
than the small lie… It would never come into
their heads to fabricate colossal untruths,
and they would not believe that others could
have the impudence to distort the truth so

- Adolf Hitler


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