posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 09:36 AM
There is half your answer there, earthtone. Eyewitnesses.
When eyewitnesses numbering in the thousands say they see something, I will believe them, especially when I know a few.
It also helps to remeber Washington DC is chock full of military types, airforce, who, by nature of thier very professions, can tell the difference
between a missile and an aircraft.
My airforce buddy who worked for the Pentagon said when he heard the roar, his first thought was a cargo jet, and he turned around, he was like about
2 blocks away, i think, just in time for the #ing thing to wizz over his head, and when he turned around, he watched the ass end disappear into a ball
of flames.
Incidentally, many witnesses on the ground reported the overpowering smell of jetfuel, jsuyt like they did at the WTC. Rockets and missiles dont run
on jet fuel, the run on a solid booster fuel. Every missile in our inventory runs on a similar substance.
As I have sen live missile launches, a missile would have been traveling entirely too fast to appear as anything but a streak of light.
A guided missile moving that slow would not have been able to punch through the pentagon like it did. HOW many rings were breached? The penatgon was
made to witstand alot of damage from pinpointed missiles and other ordinance.
A plane is a lot bigger than a missle, carrying alot more weight. however, a plane is also lightweight aluminum. Light enouygh when it hits that
conrete, it disinitgrates, period, because the friction and heat reated by such an impact is higher than the plane can withstand. However, the heavier
parts, such as the engines, made of heavier materials, much more heat resistant, would have had the velocity to continue on through, punching more
A missle, also, with an explosive warhead, would have created such a blast, it would have toasted a much large section of the interior as well, not
just punch a couple of stupid holes into the inner offices, it would have incinerated them comepletely.
I am a big time believe in a conspracy surrounding 9/11, yet this missle theory is stupid and laughable even by my overly paranoid distrustful
Enough went on the day of 9/11 that no missles, missing planes, ect, were needed. The very actions and lack of actions on the part of our govornment
is more than damning enough.