posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 09:33 AM
* Aurora Aircraft
* Chemtrails
* UFO Events
* Cryptids
* Huyghe Classification System
* Globsters
* Flight 2501 Disappearance
* Ancients
* Hill Abduction
* List of Pyramids
* Zeta Grey Aliens
* The Blues
* Angel Hair
* Ancients
* Flying Saucers
* Martian Civilization
* TR-3
* A-12
* A-19
* The Black Stone Pyramids
Articles turned to Sections:
* Grey-Human CT went into Greys
Suggested and added entries belonging into Aircraft Subsection.
That's what I've done. Can I get a TinWiki Editor status?
Oh, and the list of pyramids is in need of alot of articles on those pyramids, so if you know much about them, go ahead and add.