Yes the topic is Women can make sperm which will lead to women independence, liberty, freedom if not victory.
I am surprised why someone are pushing, trying hard to lead this discussion off topic into discrediting specific religion.
When women are able to offspring themselves, it means every women from everywhere and any religion or atheists will lead their lives or world without
relying on men anymore. Live is not just about sex, real stuff vs dildo, is it?
Imagine this, women body are nature home to fetus, and men has nothing to carry baby. Although there is a possibility for men to pregnant and put
fetus on their chest. BUT, how are men going to feed their babies?
If you men put babies suckling your nipples you are not feeding babies, you are getting sexual pleasure. Disgusting isn't
Since women are designed to carry baby, it is not limited to one baby at a time, twin, triplet, quadruple even 8 babies at a time.
Can you men imagine putting 2 babies on your chest? Breath it!
One more thing, most kids listen to their mothers and certainly this is another advantage for women in term of raising kids vs men raising kids.
So, the conclusion is women will out number men in the near future, and hence will get over men. And women has all rights to think men by then are
useless or not, right?
Perhaps God designed women to be on top and created men as tool for offspring and pleasure for certain period only until self pregnancy technology is
But men has misused their status and broken rules, and take over women for thousand of years. The fallen angel must have influenced men to control
women and created fraternity. Speaking religiously.