posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 10:54 AM
thats good,
11/7 - 11 +7 =18
369 since last attack added together = 18
18 is the number of 3x6's
seems to me more like mass human sacrifice ceremonies. on certain dates linked to one anyother.
like how 3/11 madrid came after 9/11 = 911 days later.
some will agree with me some will not. i never said the illuminati, did it, i just think that islamic terror groups have no reason for symbolic dates.
if you do not know what the illuminati is how can you say, they are into numerolgy or not.
i think they will not attack in every month with the date 11, look at 7/7. though they do have seemed to attacked with dates that add upto to certain
[edit on 12-7-2006 by andy1033]