www.rense.com... Given the imformation from the link above I find it hard as an American to be happy with my government. I worked very hard all my life
because that was the right thing to do. I contacted MS ( Multiple Sclerosis) and at the time was given the option to quit working and take 75 percent
of my pay that was back in 1988. Since that time I worked very hard with my illness to a point where I can no ,longer enjoy having a paycheck. My
complaint as I might say is that while I paided into a system to help me when I can no longer work to see it gieven away is just wrong. I served in
the Airforce from 1975-1978 and left with an honorable discharge. I inlisted at a time when it was undisirable to do so. I do not want to ramble on ,
but want to piont out that I am very angry with how our government just gives things away as others sit and wait ( I have been refused 3 times for
benifits) for what I paided into to help me when all it has done is to make my life worse by no providing me with what I paided into. I wish this on
no one. Its been hell. I am angry and I do not want to make this a sounding board , but want others to understand that our Government just gave money
that they people who recieve it did not work and pay into the system. I find that just wrong,. How do you feel about what just happened.
I noted that my Senator, Lindsey Graham S.C. , voted "yea"
now I've got to E-Mail him, his staff, & get a clear reason for that vote.
i have a sneaking suspicion that the SS issue is wrapped up in the
still formulating NorthAmericanUnion entity which the nebulous NWO
is orchestrating, having used Clinton & now GW Bush administrations.