posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 09:32 PM
The thing here that I'm not approving of, is being aboard a ship where there are humans being transported as food for reptoids. This would mean
being aboard a ship of evil psychos beyond belief. I am an experiencer, and have never had that sense. If reptoids attack sentient living beings,
who are build infrastructure, and use technology, then they're evil. But at least they're the ones doing the wrong. Humanoid beings delivering
humans as food are demonic beings, and I wont be waiting for their wise words of wisdom or technology. There are missions that many feel attuned to,
and many feel they are waiting for something to happen or something in the future. Jim Spark's and his experience with greys, has a mission
regarding the ecology of the planet and in particular the rain forest.
I have a strong impression that the time is coming where a more equal, moneyless, resource society will be promoted, similar to the venus project but
grass roots democracy rather than directives from above. Such a society, which is how ets live, is my interest and something emphasized in me. But
if they ever have humans being transported for food I will find a way to take them all out, and if not, then they won't like it when I reach the
other side, because the reports will be handed in and action taken in my body or out.