posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 01:57 PM
How many of you have given up TV? Sometime during Shock and Awe, i don't remember when exactly, i turned off my TV and haven't watched since.
Shortly after, i noticed i began thinking a bit more clearly, i didn't feel as distracted as i usually did by some catch phrase i heard stuck in my
head. I felt less of a "need" to buy stuff, and was able to significantly reduce my consumerism. I filled the void in my life that quitting
television has left with positivity. Instead of watching TV, i'd read a book, go hiking, or biking/skating.
I feel like i've significantly improved my life simply by not accepting the mind control feed directly into my home. For thise that argue that TV
isn't mind control, look at what you'd see on tv, and then look at the people around you, and how they dress and act. People think that mind
control involves subliminal messages, special signals, and a conspiracy of ray guns hidden inside your tv screen. It's really not that complicated
though, and it's a lot more subtle and devious. It's done through the timing of commercial breaks, the flow (or lack thereof) of a linear sensory
input. It's the portrayal of "reality" in a fictitious world. It's the rapid fire psychological bombshell, then a change in topic to something
pleasat that programs the way our attention span works. It's the portrayal of skewed valuses fed to parentless youth (not that they don't have
parents, but have parents that use the TV as a babysitter) who from an early age get their first glimpses of the world portrayed with a corporate
agenda to create capitalist robots.
Have you refused the mind control yet? If so, I applaud you and your efforts, when you're already watching, it's hard to turn off the TV, but it
can be done.
For those still glued to the screen, i challenge you to try not watching TV for a week. If you don't like it, plug your tv back in and continue to
be a manipulated part of the scam of consumerism and wastefulness buying stuff you would have never knew existed without tv. If you turned off your
tv for a week and didn't cheat by visiting friends to watch their tv, i bet you'll notice a difference in your thinking.
It'll also open up new concepts, before you gave up TV for a week, you couldn't imagine not watrching for a day, right? After a week, did you wake
up early and/or rush home from work to get your fix? Or maybe you realized that TV isn't that impotant, and maybe you actyually feel better not
having big businesses' will forced on you unwillingly and unwittingly. Maybe you do turn on the TV after 7 days and 2 seconds, to get your fix.
After doing without for a week, examine what you're being presented when you do turn it back on. If you can't find anything wrong with watching,
then go back to watching tv. For those who take notice of what they're being fed that they didn't realize before, think about how what you see nd
hear affects you. It's pretty insulting to your intelligence, isn't it? It's okay if you feel like you were fooled, a lot of peoople have
been, and still are. If you can see why you need to break away from "programming", take that step and do it permamantly.
After not watching for a few years now (not that i watched a lot before that), when i sit down to watch TV, it just doesn't work like they want it to
anymore. I need to force my attention to the thing in order to recieve from it, and when i do, i'm left slightly nauseous.
Also, since TV is a major thing to give up, and you beat the addiction successfully, what else can you conquer that will make a difference in the
world? Maybe since you're not rushing home to TV, you can take your time getting home, on foot orby bike, reducing your usage od petroleum. Maybe
you don't need to buy everything you saw on tv, reducing your wasteful spending. The whole thing is, you won't know until you try.
Do you feel like you're trapped in the matrix? That "yeah, the world is messed up, but what can I do?" feeling? What you can do is take small
steps towards a greater goal, do your part and ask your neigbor to do theirs.
Once you turn your TV off, talk to your friends and family about doing the same.