posted on Jul, 8 2006 @ 06:29 PM
Originally posted by I See You
Racism is what you make of it. Where do you see racism in this ad? They used a white and a black person with the white being dominant and all of a
sudden it's racist. Why? Because your more evolved brain tells you so from past events that this could be racist. Guess what? It's not. It's
merely a white person and a black person just like you said in your post.
"It's like the people who insist they see no difference between a black person and a white person. They insist they can't even tell the two
If you look back at my previous posts I never outright say the ad in and of itself is racist. I've stated time and again that regardless of what Sony
or the ad company who produced the ad think, this ad WILL be perceived my many as racist.
To be honest I can see both sides of the argument. I think Sony knew what they were doing when they decided where these ads will run. Maybe most
americans do have some catching up to do on racial harmony, maybe the Dutch are more advance in that respect, I'm not really qualified to make that
call. I just take issue with the concept that anyone that see racism in this ad is racist. It makes no sense at all. The ad (and subsequent images)
show aggression/violence between two women of different races. While the images themselves are not racist, the underlying concept being conveyed
So I guess if I had to be pinned down, no the images are not racist by themselves. But the ad as a whole is using racially charged imagery. If there
was not aggression/violence in the images I would say there was not racism involved at all. Which brings me to another point, the women represent a
white and black PSP, the same product with a different exterior. When they chose to use these women for the ads, why did they decide they needed to be
at each other throats. Yes catfights are hot, but why would these two product dislike each other? Obviously because they are different colors,
there's nothing else presented in the ad as reason for PSP's to be mad at each other. They could have used the same two women and had them arm
wrestling or racing each other. Same message, but now it's competition, not aggression. If nothing else this is a very poorly thought out ad campaign
with racial overtones for shock value.