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9/11 Conspiracies nonsense? I think not

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posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts

Originally posted by Vushta
how were the building rigged with no one noticing?


They had control of the managament company that had control over security, access and maintenance.

That comes to mind.

Are you aware of SECURACOM?

I like how you throw this lame duck argument into almost every thread. It is cute and mildly amusing. IT very much shows the weakness of your arguments... if you can call them that.

The lack of comprehension is stunning.

What don't you get?

The question was not When was it done..not was there opportunity..not what companies..

The question was HOW was it done...the physical steps needed to follow in order to accomplish the task.

Let me put it this way.

What do you think was the fisrt thing that needed to be done...AFTER Marvin Bush gave the wink and a nod..after the the security compainies were 'in on it'...after all those things?

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Vushta
Let me put it this way.

What do you think was the fisrt thing that needed to be done...AFTER Marvin Bush gave the wink and a nod..after the the security compainies were 'in on it'...after all those things?

Place some remote detonated charges in places inaccesibel to anyone that was not part of the management/security company?

Sounds pretty simple especially with a power down.

I think that you have been sucessfully "debunked" Vushta. You should change your username and try again.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts

Originally posted by Vushta
Let me put it this way.

What do you think was the fisrt thing that needed to be done...AFTER Marvin Bush gave the wink and a nod..after the the security compainies were 'in on it'...after all those things?

Place some remote detonated charges in places inaccesibel to anyone that was not part of the management/security company?

Sounds pretty simple especially with a power down.

I think that you have been sucessfully "debunked" Vushta. You should change your username and try again.

Now you're simply trolling. That post provided nothing and the reason is you and others are afraid to approach the subject because the whole fantasy falls apart if you do and you all know it.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Vushta

Originally posted by Slap Nuts

Originally posted by Vushta
Let me put it this way.

What do you think was the fisrt thing that needed to be done...AFTER Marvin Bush gave the wink and a nod..after the the security compainies were 'in on it'...after all those things?

Place some remote detonated charges in places inaccesibel to anyone that was not part of the management/security company?

Sounds pretty simple especially with a power down.

I think that you have been sucessfully "debunked" Vushta. You should change your username and try again.

Now you're simply trolling. That post provided nothing and the reason is you and others are afraid to approach the subject because the whole fantasy falls apart if you do and you all know it.

This line of conversation speaks for itself to any intelligent person Vushta. You are weak. Your arguments are weak. You answer nothing. I will risk "TRIPLE WARN" and say that infact...

1. You are the WROST disinformation poster EVER.
2. You are of low intelligence.
3. All of your posts should be deleted as "NONE of them offer EVIDENCE, FACT, LOGIC, OBSERVATION or REFUTATION. Just more of the same questions that you claim go unanswered even after they are answered.

Take my advice. Get a new screen name and try again because no one here... NO ONE is supporting you or taking you seriously.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 01:17 PM
Sorry Fulcannelli - I do so hate to feed them, but they can be so demanding at times

Originally posted by Vushta
Now you're simply trolling. That post provided nothing and the reason is you and others are afraid to approach the subject because the whole fantasy falls apart if you do and you all know it.

The irony is delicious - one of the current new wave of 'half-breed troll' plaguing the ATS boards with mindless, government sponsored, empty spam-flavoured pointless posts that (by accident or design) derail intelligent discussion is accusing another user of trolling

Vushta, you never cease to amaze me

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 10:26 PM
O' but do I find this chaps choice of words interesting !!

--"I dont know about you all, but I'm getting more than a little bored of people who claim that theories of "conspiracies" (9/11, etc.) are nonsense on a forum such as this - yet in fact, they wouldn't bore me at all (quite the opposite) if they would but adhere to a few basic axioms of logic and present an ARGUMENT with EVIDENCE to augment. It would also be helpful if they knew the difference between an argument and a proof. It would be even more helpful still if they would be specific in their assertions rather than give their theses ridiculous titles such as the one alluded to in the title of this post. "

--THOSE WORDS STARTED THIS THREAD !!!! LOL LIKE little shop of horrors Audry 2. FEED MEEEEEE!

Your joken,right? I mean it ain't no S.Jones,or Barrett he's talken bout !! IS IT ??!!??

Please don't be afraid,it's only knowledge!

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