posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 02:22 AM
Well, I like this dream and it may wery well be how the afterlife look like. Nothing wrong with posting it here, I think.
This world you describe resembles what some people that die for a short period (or nearly die) exerience in their out-of-body situation. They all do
not report the same, of course, showing that the afterlife is as diverse as this side of life.
The other observers of the afterlife is those who meditate with the purpose of gaining out-of-body experience. While those who nearly die experience
it from the 'inside', that is the way those who actually die will experience it, those who meditate see it from the outside. Those who meditate
report that there are temples for all existing religions in the afterlife. And schools; death is not the end of learning it seems. The 'afterlivers'
(I can't call the dead for dead; they are obviously living. It's just that their lives are different from ours. So I call them 'afterlivers')
don't have to remain in their church or religion; they are observed to visit other churches than their usual ones. For example for 100 years ago the
church focused on suffering in hell. And so in the afterlife one can encounter churches with a spot of 'hell' outside; displaying people who suffers
greatly in this hell. But that hell, and the people suffering, are an illusion. So when you in your dream (if it was a dream) did not get hurt it was
not because you were somehow protected but because hell is an illusion. Actually everything exept the people themself are illusions.
This worlds physical laws does not work in the afterlife. Aparently the law of the afterlife creates whatever illusion the 'dead' need there to be.
People who have surrounded themself in life with family, might do that in the afterlife too; their familiar house and familymembers apearing as the
newly dead expect, but it is all an illusion made to perhaps comfort the afterlivers.
Maybe your dream is not a dream but an meditation experience you had without knowing it was meditation. If that is the case then you might be a
natural talented at meditation with out-of-body experience. I suggest you 'google' for more info about meditation and metods and learn to do it with
your will so you don't blunder around blindly