posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 02:32 PM
My girlfriend and I both experience extremely active dream activity. From what I've learned, most people dream throughout the majority of their
sleep, but being able to recall those dreams is a different story. When I was younger I recalled my dreams a lot, and usually it was some mundane
event that ended up happening just the way I pictured it the next day. My sister did the exact same thing, except her happenings were almost always
involving family members. We used to joke about it despite our mother's dismay; she felt this was unnatural and somewhat evil in nature. Well, ole
Cerebral Souldier discovered marijuana. When I was smoking everyday the dreams (or recollection of them) just stopped, especially when I was still
partly stoned before going to bed, and I usually was. I outgrew the reefer and the dreams came back full force. I gave up on trying to decipher them a
long time ago, because they are just too weird. When I say weird I mean the kind of weird that makes good comedy. Sometimes, if I think about it hard
enough, I can usually decode something that's going to either happen or be relevant the next day. If that's the case, more often than not I can't
make the connection until it happens. For someone with such active dream activity, I hardly ever have nightmares, and the only recurring dream I had
was from my younger days (and I haven't had since my youth):
In pitch black (not like darkness, more like nothingness) running my ass off, don't know from what at first. After a while I turn around and see that
its aliens I'm running from, looking comical (short and green with the little antennae), but the feeling behind it tells me these guys are the real
deal. I'm never in any serious danger of being caught, but I know I have to keep running. Eventually I get to a brick wall that pops up out of the
nowhere I'm in, and it's huge but I scale it with no problem, then I wake up.
When my girlfriend and I sleep in the same bed, the entire night is a literal “dream-o-rama”. We both wake up every couple of hours, almost
clockwork, after an intense dream. Sometimes we wake up at the same time, and a couple of dreams were too close to each other for comfort. Long story
She dreams that her aunt (who was her primary guardian) disapproves of our relationship, chases me out of her bed one day, and then tries to shoot me.
I ran away (supposedly to get my pistol) and when I was close to my house it took me a minute because there was a white car that was involved in a
wreck close to my house. That was pretty much the gist of things. She lives about a block away, and walking home that morning I saw the the car she
described, not just any car, it was exactly how she described it (no wreck, though). At the same time I dream that I purchased a pistol, and doted
over it like it was a child. That pistol brought me so much joy. It was shiny and beautiful and it glowed... whew I love that pistol, never got a
chance to use it, and there was nothing concerning about my dream.
Continued in next post...