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Hunter S. Thompson murdered over 9/11

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posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 10:26 AM
In The months and years following the devestating tragedy of September the 11th 2001, The well know and widely published author; Hunter S. Thopmson(Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Kingdom of Fear, The Rum Diary amongst many others) began using his journalistic and political connections, which at one time included William Kennedy, David Halberstam, Jim Silberman, Joe Benti, Walter F. Mondale and many others, plus his highly acclaimed journalistic skills to investigate this event. Which from the very outset he publicly denounced as a lie, a conspiracy to attack the Middle East and spread the grip of America.
During his investigation he began to recieve annonymous death threats on a regular basis. Masked assailants broke into his isolated Aspen County ranch, and raided drawers and cabinets on several occasions.
In the last weeks of his life he gave an interview in which he was asked about his activities. He talked about his investigation and when asked if he feared for his life, he stated clearly that he was in great danger "looking over my shoulder constantly"
Hunter S. Thompson was found hunched over his desk with a single gunshot wound to the head. The apparant suicide note will mever be publicly released, and no investigation followed to determine if murder was a possibilty.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 11:15 AM
The good Doctor spoke several times about suicide, especially in later life. Anyone familiar with his work would know self termination was always on the cards. Here are a few words from the man himself that I have written out (word for word) from the authors note at the beginning of The Great Shark Hunt:

The Great Shark Hunt: Authors note

...I feel like I might as well be sitting up here carving the words for my own tombstone ... and when I finish, the only fitting exit will be right straight off this #ing Terrace and into the fountain, twenty-eight storeys below and at least 200 Yards out in the air and across Fifth Avenue.
Nobody could follow that act.
Not even me ... and in fact the only way I can deal with this eerie situation at all is to make a conscious decision that I have already lived and finished the life I planned to live - (thirteen years longer, in fact) - and everything from now on will be A New Life, a different gig, a gig that ends tonight and starts tomorrow morning.
So if I decide to leap for the fountain when I finish this memo, I want to make one thing perfectly clear - I would genuinely love to make that leap, and if I don't I will always consider it a mistake and a failed opportunity, one of the very few serious mistakes of my first life that is now ending.
But what the hell? I probably won't do it (for all the wrong reasons), and I'll probably finish this table of contents and go home for Christmas and then have to live for a hundred more years with all this goddamn gibberish I'm lashing together.

This is in no way proof that Hunter did kill himself, it's just one of the many indications he gave us that he was getting tired. Perhaps someone read these indications and capitalised on them, then again, perhaps they didn't. Will we ever really know for sure? There were certainly reasons people may have wanted to kill him. I heard the interview he gave on the September 11th attacks last year, and I of course reserve the notion that he was killed before he unleashed a chaotic #storm as a fairly good possibility. I strongly believe 11/9 was an inside job, a false flag operation, if you will; and if I were the people who carried it out, I certainly wouldn't want Hunter anywhere near it.

I had great respect for Hunter Thompson and I still do. I would love nothing more than to pin this on Elite filth and go on a rampage, but I think it's about 65% - 35% in favour of suicide, at this time. Although I can't explain the changes in story regarding his death, I must admit. I would love to interview Juan, or Anita, but I think it would be rude, and insensitive, to even attempt to try and contact them about such a thing, at this time.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 02:27 PM
Hey all,

I agree wholeheartedly with Communication_Burger here on every point

I might add that my personal reasons for suspicion include having a general sense from (having been a long time fan of Hunter's work) of central importance of speaking truth to power throughout his life - this was not a person who would have voluntarily relinquished his life, in my view, as long as he had a righteous CAUSE that he felt he was pursuing with his journalism. This is evidenced by his passionate denouncement of the other atrocities committed by US and other administrations during the heyday of his career.

He was indeed investigting 9/11 as well as the evidence of gay prostitution as the highest levels of the US government including the whitehouse. He was working on writing articles on both issues, and given his following, his experience and contacts, this would have presented an incredibly dangerous two-pronged threat to certain individuals in power - more than enough reason for a political assassination attempt (by some accounts these were made on him numerous times in the period leading up to his rather suspicious death).

Having heard an interview he gave on an Australian radio show during the summer of 2002, in which he voices his opinions about 9/11 and other issues in the style that became beloved by at least two generations and discusses also the book he was working on at the time (Kingdom Of Fear), it truly is my impression that Hunter was on the warpath again against corrupt authority, and this in my view was cause enough for him to make the idea of suicide highly untenable.

This is to say nothing of the frank astonishment of his relatives and close friends at his death - they reported no signs of inner anguish or pain that might have led him to kill himself and uniformly describe him as having been happy and largely untroubled (for him!), as well as the numeorus other suspicious aspects of the death.

I've not been able to find a direct link to the mp3 file but I'll seed it to a bit-torrent site if anyone wishes to download it

[edit on 2-7-2006 by fulcanelli]

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 02:45 PM
A lot of times though with suicides people DON'T see any signs that they're planning to. All my friends and family thought that I was dealing just fine with things, and that I was fairly happy with my life, until I ended up in the Emergency Room at 130am having stitches put into my wrist.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 02:50 PM
Most offings by agents are designed to appear as suicides.

The real deal is this: what was Thompson going to say? that 911 was just run out of the White House or was he going to finger the real masterminds? If he was just shilling for the left and putting pressure on GWB then he was saying nothing new.

But there is also the possibility that the 'brotherhood' was afraid that he could access the truth or that somebody would come to him.

Did anybody else in his 'circle of associates' also decide to commit suicide in an UNTIMELY fashion? That person could be deemed to be a link to real insider stuff.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
A lot of times though with suicides people DON'T see any signs that they're planning to.

Very true, and as I've said, my reference to Hunter's likelihood of suicide based on his behaviour, reports of his relatives and close friends, his interviews and recordings of him prior to his death, and what he was involved in are purely my opinions and I of course acknowledge that these are not certain indications, they merely set the scene for my own interpretation of what is likely to have happened given the other evidence available.

Most suicide attempts do not lead to death and are the generally the first manifestations of a deep underlying psychological anguish which can have any number of causes. I spent some time on hospital wards in ER's while a medical student, and it is entirely true that on further examination it becomes evident with most such admissions to hospitals that there are without doubt percieved reasons for these attempts.

However, these underlying reasons often become all too evident on the investigation of suicide attempts that DO lead to death, and a good general picture is constructed post mortem about the victims motivations. This has not happened, at least to my satisfaction, in the case of Hunter's alleged suicide.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 02:59 PM
Oh, and I've just found a link to the audio file of the interview I menioned:

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
During his investigation he began to recieve annonymous death threats on a regular basis. Masked assailants broke into his isolated Aspen County ranch, and raided drawers and cabinets on several occasions.

Could we get a source for this? I must admit I do remember reading that somewhere, but I can't remember where. I found this (see underneath), which I'm sure most of you interested in this have seen, but for anyone else who hasn't, here it is:

Toronto Globe and Mail


Saturday, February 26, 2005

Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. Now he thought someone was out to stop him publishing it: "They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how these bastards think . . .

Originally posted by Zaphod58
A lot of times though with suicides people DON'T see any signs that they're planning to.

I think this is true... It would seem in the case of Hunter Stockton Thompson all indications from his family suggested he was happy, and not suicidal at the time. So if what you say is true, it would further lend to the suicide angle. It doesn't explain everything, though, and niether do the suicidal suggestions in his writing.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

The real deal is this: what was Thompson going to say? that 911 was just run out of the White House or was he going to finger the real masterminds? If he was just shilling for the left and putting pressure on GWB then he was saying nothing new.

Toronto Globe and Mail


Saturday, February 26, 2005

Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. Now he thought someone was out to stop him publishing it: "They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how these bastards think . . .

Those claims have serious implications. I have now attempted to contact the author of this article for more information.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by fulcanelli
Oh, and I've just found a link to the audio file of the interview I menioned:

Listening to this interview, HST sounds quite motivated and engaged. I think 9/11 gave him a new reason to live, not the opposite.
It's interesting to listen to, simply from a historical perspective as this was pre Iraq and he talks about his fear of 9/11 being used as a pretence to invade Iraq.

Apparently he was neighbours, in Aspen, with Prince Bandaar from Saudia Arabia. The guy moved in interesting circles, who knows what he knew???

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 08:53 AM
I have also been a huge fan of the good Doctor for years. It always seemed to me that he kept suicide on the back burner almost constantly. In both his works and on film he made numerous references to the struggle of juggling Thompson with Duke, and how he never could tell which person people wanted to see. He even claimed he would have to kill one off eventually, but the wording was a little prophetic sounding in hindsite. (Wishin I could find a quote for that one.)

Right down to him designing and planning his little funeral cannon with Ralph Steadman years before his death. He seemed engrossed his his own mortality.

These things said, it still wouldnt surprise me if Big Bro wanted to hush him a bit. Wasn't he used for some spoken word on "Loose Change?" Its been a while, but it seems like he was on there. If that was finished while he was alive, its even more likely that The Man would hush him before he could write a book about it.

Any fan of the Doctor's knows the loathing he felt for Nixon, and he said numerous times that he viewed him as a liberal in comparison with W. As much as he hated Slippery Dick he made it very clear that he couldnt come close to the curruption and incompetence of the present administration. It makes me sad to think that someone other than he may have decided when it was time to go.

I still miss the guy...R.I.P. brother....

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
In both his works and on film he made numerous references to the struggle of juggling Thompson with Duke, and how he never could tell which person people wanted to see. He even claimed he would have to kill one off eventually, but the wording was a little prophetic sounding in hindsite. (Wishin I could find a quote for that one.)

I can help you with that one, he said that in a televised interview for a BBC Documentory entitled Fear and loathing in Gonzovision back in the 70's (77-78 to be precise). The documentory was also known as Fear and Loathing on the road to Hollywood. I can help you find this, if you do not have it.

Originally posted by DaFunk13
I still miss the guy...R.I.P. brother....

Same here.


posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:31 AM
Just to clarify here is second paragraph of the story you quoted burger.

Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. Now he thought someone was out to stop him publishing it: "They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how these bastards."

That's how I imagine a tribute to Hunter S. Thompson should begin. He was indeed working on such a story, but it wasn't what killed him. He exercised his own option to do that. As he said to more than one person, "I would feel real trapped in this life if I didn't know I could commit suicide at any time."

Not quite what it seems at first glance.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by LeftBehind
Just to clarify here is second paragraph of the story you quoted burger.

That's how I imagine a tribute to Hunter S. Thompson should begin. He was indeed working on such a story, but it wasn't what killed him. He exercised his own option to do that. As he said to more than one person, "I would feel real trapped in this life if I didn't know I could commit suicide at any time."

Not quite what it seems at first glance.

Hmmm. Very good find, I did try to find the rest of the article (quickly), as the Toronto Globe and Mail had only allowed people to see the first paragraph without a subscription. That's why I tried to contact the author for more information. I didn't use any selective quoting. That is very misleading of the Globe and Mail, I think. Couldn't they have just included the next paragraph, too, so people didn't get the wrong idea like this? Bastards...

Good Work, anyway, LeftBehind.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 10:10 AM
Here is an audio interview with Paul William Roberts, the author of the Globe and Mail article in question here. Strangely enough, the interviewer is Alex Jones.

Take a listen.


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